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The night ended differently than Lorenzo had wanted. Jacob was ranting about Miami supposedly belonging to him and it all being stolen by the Moretti family. Things went hostile for a moment when Jacob took a swing at Lorenzo. His fist had never connected because Lorenzo side stepped him but it was enough to set the Moretti men off. Once Vargas and his men were taken out of the club Lorenzo went back to his VIP area. Lorenzo had not gotten home until almost dawn which meant he had to get ready for the trip he had postponed.

When it was time for him to leave Elena had still not woken up so Lorenzo had to leave without getting the chance to see her first. Elena had been disappointed when she woke up to find out that Lorenzo had already left for his trip. Over the next month and a half Lorenzo had done a lot of coming and going. Elena tried not to let it bother her considering he had always done it for the last three and half years but lately she wanted him around.

Elena had gone out to lunch with Angel and when she returned Lorenzo had been coming out of his office with Tony. "Elena I need to talk with you." Lorenzo said getting her attention. Elena stood there in the open door having the feeling of déjà vu. Her father had said similar words to her when her life was flipped upside down. "Everything alright?" he asked when he noticed her frozen state.

"Yeah." She quickly said as she walked towards his office and he gestured for her to go in first.

Walking in behind her Lorenzo walked over to his desk and sat down. "Tomorrow afternoon we are taking a trip." Lorenzo said as he looked through some papers on his desk.

"Ok... do you have any idea how long you will be gone for this time?" she asked as she walked over to the sofa and sat down.

"You're coming with me."

"What... why?" Elena said in shock as she stood up again. "I have plans this week and I don't want to take a trip anywhere."

"I'm not asking if you want to go, I'm telling you we are going." Lorenzo said as he looked up from the papers to see her glaring at him. "I'm not going to argue with you about this, we leave for the airport at eleven thirty so be ready."

To say Elena was pissed was an understatement, she spent about twenty minutes arguing with him about it then gave up when he didn't budge. At dinner that evening Elena wouldn't even look at him let alone answer any questions he asked her. Lorenzo was hoping when they arrive in the Caribbean her mood would change.

The next day Lorenzo watched from the doorway of Elena's room as she slowly packed her luggage. In the last three and a half years all of his trips were taken solo and this time she was coming with him. Elena had tried arguing her way out of the trip but Lorenzo stood his ground this time. Lorenzo needed Elena to be with him at the opening but most of all he wanted her by his side. There were days things seemed great between them then there were days Elena wouldn't even look his way. Lorenzo recently caught himself comparing the woman that pass through his life to her now.

The way she carried herself...

The way she walked...

Her body...

Her scent...

Not a single woman had measured up to his wife and without realizing what he had been doing Lorenzo began turning them away for the last few weeks. The one woman he wanted more than the air he breathed into his lungs was the one woman he was the furthest from ever having. She may have lived in the same house as he did and carried his name but it was like she wanted nothing to do with him. Their marriage wasn't out of love... it was a business deal between two crime families and she only saw it that way. That had been him in the beginning but not anymore, he wanted her... he wanted his wife, his queen. Elena was the first female Lorenzo didn't know what to do with.

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