Coming to an End

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AN: Look at me, I'm on roll... 2 chapters in 2 days... it's the least I could do after 2 years. Thank you for all the comments and for voting

While she had been sleeping in his arms Lorenzo had laid there vowing to always do right by her and to always give her what she wanted no matter if it hurt him or not. Her threat last night had not been a hollow one, he had no doubt she would have shot any man he sent in the room. The gun had been fully loaded, cocked and ready. Had he pissed her off anymore than he already done she probably would have put a bullet in him.

The next morning Elena woke up still wrapped in Lorenzo's arms. It had been a long night for the both of them and neither were complaining on how it ended. Lorenzo had been the first to move, he placed a soft kiss to Elena's forehead then slid out from under her. Her hungry eyes watched as his naked body walked across the room to their bathroom.

She laid there long enough to hear the water running before climbing out of bed and following him in. When Elena walked in the bathroom, she found Lorenzo holding the shower door open for her with a smirk on his face. Lorenzo knew very well what she wanted when he saw her watching him walk away

After a very satisfying shower they both got dressed for the day. Knowing she did not want to be locked away for the day Lorenzo decided that Elena would spend the day with him. More than doubling up on the guards they went about his day. There were a few meetings and a couple of business stops he needed to make.

Things were going smoothly considering what happened the day before. Lorenzo met with Enzo and the few guys he still had in Miami with him. They talked about the ambush and what needed to happen. He had also stayed away from the restaurant the shooting happened at knowing it would be crawling with cops. Lorenzo let Tony handle the cops knowing he knew how. Then they would meet with him before going to the island they were currently renovating for a nightclub.

"Whenever you want to go back home just tell me." Lorenzo said as they climbed back in the SUV heading to another meeting he had. "I'm not going to make you spend the whole day with me if you do not want to."

"It's actually nice spending the day with you." Elena said leaning over to place a kiss on his jaw. "Can we take a walk on the beach when we get home?"

"That sounds like the perfect way to end our night." He smiled as he pulled her close wanting to hold her to his side. "We just have one more meeting then we meet with Tony and head to the island for a walk through, after that I'm all yours."

The next meeting had not gone the way he wanted it to go. The Gallo family was not happy with the war that was raging through Miami. Things were getting hot with the cops causing a lot of issues for all illegal businesses. Even though they knew Lorenzo had good reason for the war it did not sit well with the others. They just wanted it to end whether it was with Vargas' death or his own.

Elena had been waiting outside the office with Gino while Lorenzo was in the meeting. Things were still on shaky ground between them, but she had not been hostile towards him. He looked a little banged up and she was concern. She may have been mad at him but she was not heartless.

"Are you alright?" she asked, Gino glanced over at her a little shocked she spoke to him.

"I've had better days, but I'll be alright." He said with a small smile.

"Was it from yesterday?" she asked and he nodded. "No extra holes in the body?"

"No extra holes." He laughed lightly at her way of asking if he had been shot. "Just a lot flying debris and a tumble over a moving car."

"Why are you out?" she was completely shocked. "You need to rest."

"I will tonight when we get back to the compound." Elena shook her head and he just smirked.

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