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AN: Not edited at all... I just didn't want to keep all of you waiting any longer.

Elena was groggy and confused when her eyes began to open. When she couldn't move her arms she began to panic then she realized what happened and the horrible feeling of being helpless and terrified kicked in. She saw two unknown men standing there staring at her and she began thrashing around trying to free herself from the ropes and they stood there laughing at her feeble attempt. Knowing very well she wouldn't be able to free herself no matter how hard she yanked down.

The men had looked familiar but she had seen so many new faces since they arrived on the island and trying to figure out who they were was next to impossible. The tears were flowing freely down her cheeks and her body shivered from being cold due to her just being in a bikini. Elena glanced around the room to see if she could tell where they took her but there were no windows. The next two faces Elena saw made her want to vomit when they walked in the room she was hanging in.

Jacob Vargas smirked at the wife of his top rival as she looked at the man next to him with stunned eyes. "You... mi amor will be helping me take down that arrogant husband of yours." Jacob said as he strolled closer to her but her eyes stood locked on the other man that entered with him. "If you had just let that bastard die the night I shot him my father would have already been in control of everything Moretti owns."

"How could you do this to Lorenzo and your cousin?" she snapped at Rob and he just shook his head at her. "Answer me Rob!"

Having her eyes locked on Rob caused her not to see the hand that swung out slapping her hard across the face. "You will not order one of my men around, Rob no longer works for Moretti he is part of my organization now." Jacob snapped at her as she hung her head low crying from the hit. All the men laughed as Jacob yanked Elena's head back up by her hair and she cried out in pain. "Your father should have chosen me instead of Lorenzo Moretti then you wouldn't be tied to this pipe... instead you would have been tied to my bed."

"I will not help you!" Elena yelled at him only bringing another evil laugh from the man.

"You already are." He said crashing his lips into hers in an aggressive one-sided kiss. Elena did the only thing she could think of and bit down hard on his lip drawing blood. Jacob's hands instantly went to her throat as he yelled in pain, he cut off her air supply as her teeth released his lip. "You do that again to me and I will fucking kill you." He growled in a menacing voice.

Elena could feel herself fading out as it became harder to breath with his hands tightly squeezing her neck. When her eyes began to flutter close Jacob released her throat and smacked her face harder, this time leaving a defined handprint on her. He ordered Rob to take her picture showing exactly what had been done to her then it was sent to Lorenzo. When they received no reply after a while a second picture was sent.

Lorenzo stood in the meeting room pacing as most of his men stood around watching him. All of his men in Miami had been accounted for already but there were still six of his men missing and that didn't include the two that were killed. He didn't know who he could trust for all he knew the man or men that helped kidnap Elena could be standing there with him. Enzo Marzano and all of his higher ranked men stood towards the back of the room waiting on his nephew to give orders on what to do.

"I can't get a hold of Rob." Tony said walking over to Lorenzo.

"None of the other missing men are answering either." Sal said walking up to them. "Vinny and I have been calling nonstop."

"Track all six phones and my wife's." Lorenzo said as he ran his hand down his face. "If any of the six men are breathing when you find them put a bullet in their head."

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