Not What it Seems to Be

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The next morning when Lorenzo awoke the conversation with Elena the night before was still on his mind. No matter how much he tried to shake it he couldn't and the more he thought about it the more it pissed him off knowing her heart had belonged to another man. What made things worse was that he didn't know if she still loved the guy. Climbing out of the bed Lorenzo went to get ready for the day, knowing he wasn't leave the grounds unless he had to do so he opted to stay causal and not bother with a suit. Once he was showered and dressed Lorenzo ran his fingers through his hair as he walked out the room.

When he arrived in the kitchen for his morning coffee the staff quickly began moving around at the sight of him except one. "Morning sweetheart." Sara said as she looked up from the newspaper she was reading.

"Morning." He said as she moved towards the coffee pot and began pouring a cup for him. Sara and Martin had both been working with Lorenzo's family since he was born. When his parents went back to Italy they both opted to stay on with him in Miami. "What time does my wife normally come down for breakfast?"

"Mrs. Moretti has not eaten breakfast since she was moved in here." Sara said as she handed him the mug. "Lorenzo I don't think your wife is much of morning person. Ms. Angel said that Mrs. Moretti's appetite hasn't been well since coming here."

"Have Martin make her a healthy breakfast then have Diane take it up to her room." Lorenzo said as he started to leave the room. Diane's eyes had gone wide as she looked over at Sara, Lorenzo noticed the reaction and stopped. "Is there a problem?"

"No Mr. Moretti, there is no problem." Diane said with a nervous voice as she quickly walked away.

"Sara?" Lorenzo said in a questioning voice as he raised his eyebrow at her wanting the truth.

"Diane thinks that Mrs. Moretti doesn't like her very much." She said with a smile. "Poor girl is scared of your wife more than the men around here."

Lorenzo couldn't help the laugh that escaped his lips, he knew Elena's attitude was bad and knowing the staff was scared of her more than his men was a bit funny to him. The story of her shooting her own bodyguard probably didn't help any either. It may have been out of fear and self-defense but that didn't change the fact that it did happen and the gossip spread like wildfire through the compound staff. Gino had explained to him the day before that most of the times Elena snapped at the staff after they had scared her out of her wits.

"Sara can you take it to her for me?" Lorenzo asked with a sweet smile hoping she would.

Sara looked at the boyish smile on his face that he had used on her since he four years old. "Are you sure we should bother her?" Sara asked with a raised eyebrow and he just nodded his head. "Alright I'll do it."

"Thanks." He said still smiling at her. "You know you're my favorite."

"You have said that to me since you were able to talk." She said smiling back as he walked away.

Lorenzo went to his office to find Tony already sitting in there on the sofa talking on his phone. Listening to the conversation as he moved to his chair Lorenzo knew it was about Elena and what he wanted to know. Tony snapped at whoever he was on the phone with and Lorenzo raised his eyebrow as he sat down. After exchanging angry words both coming out in English and Italian Tony ended the call. He dropped his phone down on the sofa next to him while letting out an irritated breath.

"Well?" Lorenzo questioned as he sat back in his chair taking a sip of his black coffee. "Did you get me a name?"

"No one is being privy with the information we want." Tony huffed out sounding even more irritated as he ran his hands down his face. "Antonio is acting as if this is the first time he's fucking hearing of it. Maybe we should just ask Elena who it is. If she told you about the dude, then she should tell you his name."

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