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AN: Please keep in mind I didn't get a chance to edit this yet but will do so when I complete the whole story. Also the dress she chose is the one in the picture on the cover of this story.

Gino and Rob drove Elena through the town looking for the right boutique. When she finally found the perfect boutique the guys waited right outside the door as she went in to shop. Elena had stood there looking around wishing one of her sisters could have been there with her because shopping alone was never fun. After looking through a few racks and not seeing anything that stood out to her one of the ladies that worked there walked over to her.

"Miss may I help you find something?" she asked in a bit of broken English. "I'm sure we have something you may like."

"I'm looking for the perfect gown to wear Saturday night to a casino opening at Il suo Palazzo Reale." Elena said with a smile and the lady nodded. "It's a special night and I need it to be white."

"Yes... I think with your body curves I have the perfect dress for you. It would be beautiful on you." She said quickly walking to the back then came out holding a white silk dress. "I guessed on your size, would you like to try this on?"

A half hour later Elena stood in the dressing room looking at her reflection in the mirror. The dress was beautiful and felt great against her soft skin. She knew a dress like this was both daring and risky to wear, one of two things could happen when Lorenzo saw her in it. He would either be completely turned on by the way she looked or would freak out from all the exposed skin on her body, the latter being the more likely reaction she thought. Shaking her head Elena quickly made up her mind.

"I'll take it." Elena said and the lady smiled. "Do you have any shoes I may look at?"

Elena knew it was time to step up and show Lorenzo what he stood to lose if he didn't actually change his ways. She was no longer going to play the naïve wife that sat at home while he ran around the city entertaining every püssy with a pulse. He was either going to open his eyes or she planned on walking out of his life for good.

After taking about two hours in the store Elena finally had all she needed. When she exited the store Rob grabbed all the bags from her then they escorted Elena back to the SUV. On her way back Elena returned the fifty or so messages Angel had left since Lorenzo had the phone. Angel messages had been mad at first that there had been no response in a couple of days then turned concerned. It took quite a bit of explaining or more like lying about why she didn't respond but after a while Angel let it go.

When they pulled back up to the hotel Elena had hoped whatever Lorenzo wanted to talk about wouldn't happen until much later. As they walked through the lobby there was no sightings of him and Elena breathed easy. Rob told Gino he had somethings to take care of and broke away from them when they got to the elevator.

When Gino and Elena got off the elevator there had been quite few men standing around talking. Some of the faces she knew well and some she had never seen before but they all were at ease with each other. The ones she knew said hello as she walked to her suite and the others nodded and smiled. Gino nodded at all of them as he followed Elena into the suite carrying her bags.

Lorenzo had been sitting in the room with his cousins Angelo and Carmine when Elena and Gino walked in. Elena plastered a smile to her face and walked over to the men and did her wifely duties as Gino placed the bags down and left the room. She greeted both of his cousins then walked over to stand in front of him, Elena wasn't exactly sure on how she should greet him in front of Angelo and Carmine. Lorenzo looked down at Elena and noticed her unsure hesitation, he smiled at her as he leaned down and placed a soft kiss to her lips and was a bit surprised she didn't turn away like the last time he tried.

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