The Start of a War

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(Elena in gif)

After explaining to Sal and the other guys what needed to be done Tony got into the SUV and drove Lorenzo and Elena back to the hotel. Lorenzo had Tony pull around to the back of the hotel so none of the guest would see them entering. Gino, Enzo Marzano and his underboss Roberto along with a few Moretti men were down at the doors waiting and they breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Lorenzo lifting Elena out of the SUV. Gino walked over to them and offered to help the boss out but Lorenzo shook his head no. He wasn't ready to let her out of his sight just yet.

"Get the inner circle together and have them come to my suite." Lorenzo said in a low voice and Gino nodded. "Send everyone else back to Miami."

"Alright boss." Gino said as he walked away.

"Tony?" Lorenzo said in a questioning voice as he walked over to him.

"I'm alright." Tony said patting Lorenzo's shoulder as he glanced down at Elena's sleeping form. "I will handle the orders."

"Enzo will you and your inner circle join us?" Lorenzo asked looking over at his uncle.

"Yes... As soon as my sons return we will be up there." Enzo said as he nodded at his nephew.

"Thank you." Lorenzo said to him.

Lorenzo silently went through the service halls with Elena in his arms as a few of his men followed behind him. When they got into the suite Lorenzo had the men guard the door. He carried Elena into the bedroom and laid her down slowly trying not to wake her. He knew she would probably want to clean up first but after the night she had he wanted her to rest first.

The last thing he had ever wanted was an enemy using her against him and just as things began to finally work between them it happened. Lorenzo stood there staring down at Elena wanting to sear the sight of his bruised and battered wife into his brain. This was going to be the one image that would flash before his eyes when he stared down the men connected to Jacob Vargas as he took them out one by one. Some may die quick and some may suffer more than needed just to satisfy his need for revenge. Juan Vargas was going to be the last to die so he could watch as his organization and anyone connected to it is annihilated.

Just as he turned and began to walk away he heard Elena stir, quickly turning back to her Lorenzo watched as her eyes slowly opened. After blinking a few time Elena laid there staring up at Lorenzo. The anger she saw in his eyes Elena knew was in no way directed towards her but was meant for the men responsible for what had happened. Her body was sore and in a lot pain but the sight of him standing there helped her relax knowing she was safe. She went to sit up but Lorenzo quickly moved to her side shaking his head as he sat next to her.

"Elena you should rest." He said softly as he tried to guide her back to laying down but she shook her head no.

"I feel dirty and disgusted." Elena said sitting up fully when he let her shoulders go. "Please, I need to at least shower."

"How are you feeling?" he asked taking her hands in his and looked down at the raw and redden skin around both of her wrists. "I should get the doctor to examine you properly, that should have been the first thing I did." He said quickly standing up.

"Lorenzo I don't need a doctor." She said before he could walk away. "You do." She gesturing to the cuts on his face.

"I'll be fine, I just want to make sure you are ok." He said wiping the blood from above his eye.

"Other than my wrists and the bruising on my face and neck, I'm fine... I am just sore."

"He didn't hurt you anywhere else?" Lorenzo asked and Elena shook her head. "He said you tasted..."

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