Chapter Twenty-Nine | Cooking For Winners

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"I can't believe Bakugo and Todoroki actually won first place!" Ochako whined, flopping onto one of the couches in the common room to demonstrate her exasperation.

"I know right! Having fun and teamwork is supposed to be everyone else's thing!" Denki joked as he dramatically dropped down on the couch, landing on top of her legs. "I guess it's official! Those two are good at everything, the true alpha males,"

"Please never say, 'alpha male', again." Kyoka deadpanned from the couch across from them. Hanta nodded in agreement.

"I wouldn't say their win is necessarily a reflection of our skill. They were pretty competitive about the whole thing and they were clearly more serious about it than everyone else." Momo joined the conversation, handing Kyoka a cup of tea before sitting down next to her. "Although it was a little unusual for Todoroki to be so invested in something like that,"

Hanta let out a hum as he considered her words. "I guess, but I'm glad Roki is acting like a kid for once. It's not often that he actually acts his age and it's good to see him relax,"

"I agree!" Mina piped up, pointing at Hanta with enthusiasm. "I feel the same way about Bakugo, to be honest. He acts all uptight and serious all the time, but I think it's mostly because he doesn't know how to relax around people,"

"Yes. I feel that after being their classmates for over a year, we've all come to understand both of them better." Fumikage chimed in, Shoji nodding in agreement.

"I hope that the two of them can become friends one day." Denki sighed, letting his body fall onto Ochako and ignoring her half-hearted attempts to push him off. "I think we all had the wrong idea of them when we first met since none of us can really relate to them as far as personalities go. I imagine they feel the same way about us, so they probably relate to each other more than anyone else in this school if you think about it. In some ways, at least."

Everyone stared at the electricity wielder in shock, processing his words. "Wow, jamming-yay. I never expected something so smart and thoughtful to come out of your mouth," Kyoka mumbled, taking a sip of her tea.

"Hey, guys! What are we talking about?" Eijiro greeted everyone as he walked toward the couches, Izuku trailing behind him.

"Just Todobaku," Mina smiled up at her red-haired friend, missing the way both he and Deku froze at her words.

"T... Todo-what?" Izuku asked with a shaky voice.

"Todobaku! It's a combination of Todroki and Bakugo's names-"

"Yeah yeah, we get it!" Eijiro suddenly started to sweat, very nervous about this conversation.

"Mina, when you say it like that it sounds like a ship name! Like they're dating or something!" Ochako piped up. Everyone was silent for a moment before simultaneously erupting into boisterous laughter.

"Yeah right! Those two are barely friends I can't even begin to imagine them being together!" Sero cackled. Even Tokoyami, Shoji, and Koda let out chuckles of amusement.

"Ha.. haha.. right that's... totally unbelievable..." Eijiro awkwardly rubbed the back of his head, relieved that his best bro's secret was safe. Not that the best bro in question even knew what that secret was.

"Hahaha, yeah! That'd be totally... uh... unbelievable! Yeah, haha!" Izuku attempted to laugh along with everyone, but alas, the green-haired boy was not a good actor. Thankfully, he was drowned out by the rest of the group's hysterics. Eijiro gave him a look and the freckled boy immediately pursed his lips, nodding. Only one green-haired amphibian noticed the silent exchange.

"Why the fuck are you idiots so loud?" Katsuki grumbled with no real anger as he stomped into the common area. He didn't stick around for an answer, making a beeline for the kitchen.

"Oi Kacchan, can you cook something for me?" Denki hopped off of the couch, skipping towards the kitchen with Mina and Ochako hot on his heels.

"Me too! Your amazing cooking is like a gift from the gods!" Ochako attempted to flatter the explosive boy, clasping her hands and innocently batting her eyes.

"Yeah yeah! We need a feast to make us feel better about our loss today!" Mina decided to take the guilting-him-into-it route, dramatically draping herself over the counter and wiping a fake tear from her eye.

The spiky blonde smirked, very much enjoying the pathetic groveling from his classmates. "Only winners get to eat my top-tier cooking. S' not my fault you all suck,"

The two girls slumped down in defeat, and Denki rushed over to the couches to get their secret weapon: Hanta Sero. The electric blond basically shoved his lanky friend into the kitchen, bringing his hand up and saluting him. "It's all up to you buddy,"

Hanta grinned and reciprocated the salute, then suavely made his way over to Katsuki. "C'mon man, why won't you cook for us? Don't be lame,"

The blond scoffed, momentarily pausing his search for recipes on his phone. "If it's so easy then why don't you cook? I already told you assholes, I'm only cooking for winners tonight,"

Hanta sighed, accepting that the explosive boy wasn't gonna budge. Even though they wouldn't get what they want in the end, he still wanted to push his angry friend's buttons as much as possible(without getting an explosion to the face).

"Fine then. I hope you have a lovely meal," The tape hero shrugged, turning to walk out of the kitchen. Katsuki watched the dark-haired boy retreat, squinting at him in suspicion.

At that moment, a certain dual-haired boy emerged from the elevator. Hanta grinned in mischief as he waved at his dorm neighbor. "Roki! Perfect timing!"

"Hi..?" Shoto frowned as he approached his tall friend, too oblivious to recognize the amused and borderline evil expression on his face.

"This is such a coincidence! Bakugo was just telling me all about how he's making your dinner!" Hanta exclaimed, deliberately projecting his voice. People on the couches snickered at the loud shout that came from the kitchen.

Shoto's expression noticeably brightened, his lips curving up into an excited little smile. Katsuki emerged from the kitchen ready to deny every claim, but his movements were brought to a halt when he saw the candy cane's expression.

"C'mon Kacchan, I thought you said you were cooking for winners?" Denki taunted. Katsuki let out a heavy sigh as he stared at his so-called friends with a soul-shattering death glare.

"I'm making zaru soba, so if you have a problem you can make your own dinner Halfie," he grumbled, stepping back into the kitchen.

Shoto's eyes practically sparkled as he hurried to follow right behind the blond. "That's my favorite actually..."

Everyone who was paying attention watched the scene with their eyebrows raised in surprise. It wasn't all that shocking that their infamous hothead would keep his word just to spite them, but EVERYONE knew that zaru soba was Shoto's favorite.

", I know that we just forced Bakugo into cooking for someone, but somehow it feels like he still won," Denki moped, coming up behind Sero and falling onto him with his entire body weight. Sero nodded in bewilderment, not noticing the way Eijiro and Izuku covered their smiles.


guess who didn't wait seven months to update?😎

the end of this story is right around the corner, which somehow motivates me

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2021 ⏰

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