Chapter Eleven | You Seriously Piss Me Off

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Todoroki watched as his classmates bid their goodbyes and filed out of the dorms. They were heading to class, a luxury that was temporarily taken from the half and half boy.

After the violent exchange with Bakugo, Todoroki was left with a few bruises and a three-day house arrest. The two-toned boy understood that he deserved a harsh punishment, but he didn't think it was very smart to lock the two of them in a confined dorm without supervision.

When the last of his classmates exited the living space, he figured it was best to get his chores done. On top of having to miss out on class, Aizawa decided to add to their punishment by giving them a list of chores that needed to be completed. Much like Bakugo and Midoriya's house arrest in their first year.

So, Todoroki spent his morning cleaning the kitchen and vacuuming the common area. He had just settled down to eat lunch when Bakugo came trudging into the eating area. Neither of the two wanted to attempt a friendly conversation, so they didn't spare a single glance at each other.

Bakugo brought out a steaming bowl of curry with rice and sat on the opposite side of the dining hall. The number of open seats between the two was almost comical- especially since they were facing each other. Todoroki was quick to finish his meal, bringing his used dishes to the kitchen sink.

He planned to head back to his room and do a quick workout. The red-and-white haired boy had experienced what it was like to be left behind by his classmates after failing the hero license exam last year. He was determined to never let that happen again.

As he exited the kitchen, Bakugo was almost finished scarfing down his spicy curry. "Bakugo, don't forget to clean the windows," Todoroki said in his usual unwavering tone.

"Excuse me?" Bakugo raised an eyebrow, a look of disbelief on his face. "What makes you think that's my job?"

Todoroki stopped walking, already feeling that familiar sense of annoyance. "I cleaned up the kitchen and the common room."

"And? I vacuumed the hallways," Bakugo rolled his eyes, beginning to take his dirty dishes to the kitchen.

"Sounds like I've done more than you. You should be the one in charge of the windows." Todoroki deadpanned, resuming his walk to the elevator. He nearly fell over when a rice bowl flew past his head. He turned to Bakugo, pissed that the blond would throw something at him out of nowhere. "What the hell!?"

"Fuck! I don't know!" Bakugo fisted his hair in frustration. He didn't mean to throw the bowl at Todoroki, his anger just caused his body to move on its own. "You seriously piss me off and I have no idea why which pisses me off even more!"

Todoroki sighed, his anger subsiding a bit. "Whatever. Fighting will get us nowhere so I'll just clean the windows," he began to head towards the cleaning cabinet before being stopped by the blond.

"Fuck off, I'm cleaning it!" he stomped over to the cabinet, grabbing a rag and cleaner. Todoroki watched in amusement as the fiery pomeranian aggressively scrubbed the windows.

Bakugo may be annoying, but he's pretty fascinating to observe when he's not screaming about everything.

Todoroki's lips curved into a small smile as he picked up Bakugo's dishes and brought them to the kitchen.


Sorry I didn't update last weekend! These past few weeks have been really busy for me with school and track. Writing has also been really hard for me lately but your votes and comments motivate me to update!!!

But now it's spring break and my school is most likely gonna have all online classes for a while because of COVID-19 and track season has been suspended. So I have plenty of time to get over this writers' block thing :D

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