Chapter Three | Team Building, Staring, and Beauty Pageants

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"You've got to be shitting me," Bakugo groaned, the paper in his hand crinkling slightly. After a long day of studying, destroying the library, and causing a food catastrophe in the Cafeteria, Bakugo and Todoroki were forced to attend detention after school.

At first, Todorki was slightly worried. In all of his time spent at UA, Aizawa had never once held a detention class for any of his students. He usually resorted to harsher punishments, like house arrest or hurting their grades. He had no reason to believe this detention would be any different. Unsurprisingly, all of his uneasiness turned to annoyance once he knew what Aizawa had in store for them.

The boy with mismatched eyes peeked over Bakugo's shoulder, reading the note that had been taped to the door.

Todoroki and Bakugo
Although I gave you two detention, I have other things to spend my time on. Considering that you two are second years, I'm assuming you can do the tasks I've written on the board on your own.

Also, I'll know if you don't do it, so don't even try to get out of it.


The two boys walked into the room and immediately read the first three words scribbled on the board.

Team Building Exercises

"ACHOO! Fucking hell-" Bakugo turned to face Todoroki, aggressively jabbing him in the chest with an accusing finger. "This is all your fault, you icy-hot peppermint Poland flag bastard!"

Todoroki rolled his eyes, forcefully shoving Bakugo's hand away. "You really are an idiot. It's your fault as much as it's mine," he then walked over to the board, proceeding to read the rest of what was written on the board.

No Smiling Part 1
2 Truths 1 Lie
Water Balloon Toss
No Smiling Part 2

"Let's get this over with," Bakugo growled and rubbed his slightly red nose, shoving past Todoroki and plopping down into his chair. Todoroki rolled his eyes, sitting in the chair next to the hot headed blond.

"The first activity is no smiling. Do you know what that is?" Todoroki asked, oblivious to these types of things.

"It's this stupid game where we look at each other until one of us smiles. Aizawa must be an idiot for putting part one and part two," Bakugo complained.

Todoroki turned his body to face Bakugo. "You're the one who said you wanted to get it over with. Let's just do it,"

Bakugo turned to face Todoroki, and the game began. They sat there and stared at each other, looking directly into the other's eyes to show dominance. All they could see in each other was annoyance, anger, and hate.

"Bakugo, it's been ten minutes. I don't think either of us is going to smile," Todoroki finally spoke.

"Whatever. I won," Bakugo turned to face the front of the room, sneezing for the millionth time. Todoroki decided to be the bigger person and ignored the remark, looking back at the whiteboard.

"Next is 2 truths 1 lie. Pretty self explanatory. I'll start," both boys turned them face each other again, trying to spot any body language that suggested a lie.

Bakugo impatiently rolled his eyes "What are you waiting for?! Let's get this over with!"

Todoroki glared at the disrespectful blond, wanting nothing more than for detention to be over. "I wanted to be a hero because of All Might,"

Bakugo scoffed, already knowing that was one of the truths. "Come on! There's got to be something more interesting than that!"

Todoroki's eyebrow twitched in annoyance. "When I was twelve, my dad brought me to a quirk battle so I could observe their fighting techniques. I was feeling rebellious, and I slipped laxatives into his Red Bull."

The corner of Bakugo's lips twitched upwards, unable to hide the growing amusement in his face. "No fucking way your obedient ass pulled that off,"

Todoroki shrugged. "When it comes to my dad, I'll do pretty much anything to make him upset,"

Bakugo squinted at him, trying to find any trace of a lie in his expression. "Hurry up, say the last thing,"

The Poland flag boy let out a sigh of annoyance, blurting out the first thing that came to his mind. "When I was seven my sister entered me into a beauty contest. I won third place."

Bakugo's eyes immediately shot to the unsuspecting boy's hands, seeing him fidget with his thumbs. He looked back at Todoroki's face, red meeting icy blue and snowy grey. "The last one. That's the lie,"

Todorki frowned. "How'd you know?"

Bakugo glanced down at Todoroki's hands before shrugging nonchalantly. "Just a guess," he looked back up at the icy-hot boy with a judging expression, holding back another sneeze. "Where'd you get that shitty lie from anyways?"

Todoroki crossed his legs, slightly embarrassed about his explanation. "I, uh...." he mumbled under his breath, receiving an angry groan from Bakugo.

"Speak up fuck face!"

"My sister did enter me in a beauty pageant, but I was ten." Todoroki paused, hesitating on his next confession. "And I got first place, not third..."

There was a moment of silence, followed by a roar of laughter. Bakugo's usually anger exterior was replaced by obnoxious laughter. It was so sudden, he nearly tumbled right out of his chair. A light pink tint adorned the dual haired boy's face as he hung his head in embarrassment.

Bakugo managed to calm his laughter after a few minutes, but couldn't erase the mocking grin that seemed to be frozen on his face. "Damn! Who knew under all that emo shit and daddy issues you were a pretty boy!"

"Don't mock me..." the humiliated boy lifted his head up in a pathetic attempt to move on from the topic. "Can you just say your truths and a lie already,"

"Whatever peppermint boy," Bakugo rolled his eyes, taunting smirk never leaving his face.

"Thank you," Todoroki let out a sigh of relief, glad his moment of embarrassment was over. Bakugo cleared his throat, and Todoroki attentively waited for him to speak.

"Did you wear a dress?"

"I swear to All Might-"


I was vibing while writing, so thank my ratchet music for this crazy whatever the fuck this chapter is

Also, I published this chapter because someone said they liked my writing and wanted me to publish another part

Instant motivation. Thank you🥺🙏🏾💕

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