Chapter Eight | Water Pitcher

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Bakugo groaned and rolled onto his stomach, feeling like he just woke from the dead. He lazily grabbed his phone from the nightstand, eyes widening when he saw the bold white numbers. '4:57 PM'.

"Holy shit," he quickly sat up, immediately regretting it when a wave of dizziness hit him. "Fuck..." he groaned and he ran his hands over his face. As he began to climb out of bed, he noticed a few things in his room that seemed out of the ordinary. On his desk, there was a cup and a pitcher of water with a sticky-note on in, along with a pile of papers and textbooks. 

Bakugo poured the surprisingly cold water into the glass, thirstily gulping it down. He snatched the note off of the pitcher, rolling his eyes when he saw the neat cursive handwriting.


I thought you might be thirsty when you woke up so I brought this pitcher of filtered water. The papers are the worksheets we did in class today. I marked the textbook pages you'll need. I hope your sickness subsides so I won't have to do this again.

Todoroki Shoto'

"Even his stupid writing is emotionless," Bakugo scoffed, crumbling up the note and tossing it into his trashcan. After pouring himself another glass of water, he sat down and began catching up on all his schoolwork. Bakugo was a good student and had no problem completing assignments with some of the best grades in the class. Naturally, he was able to finish all of the day's schoolwork by 7:00 PM.

"Finally," Bakugo exhaled as he fell back onto his bed. His eyes widened in alarm when he came face to face with a large burn mark on the ceiling. "What the fuck..."

His train of thought was interrupted by a soft knock on his door. He let out an annoyed groan, making sure that the nuisance on the other side of the door knew their presence wasn't wanted. Still, he rose from his bed and dragged his feet towards the doorway.

"What are you doing here, IcyHot?" Bakugo snarked, nose scrunching up in a distasteful manner. Todoroki's gaze traveled past the blond and into the small dorm, quickly glancing up at the ceiling.

"I came to get the pitcher of water. I assumed you wouldn't need it at this point. I also have a question for you."

Bakugo rolled his eyes, turning back to his desk to grab the partially full pitcher. "You always talk so damn proper. It really pisses me off..." the spiky blond grumbled, shoving the pitcher into the taller boy's chest.

Todoroki's eyebrow twitched in annoyance as he yanked the pitcher out of Bakugo's hands. "That's unfortunate but I'm afraid I don't give a rat's ass about your opinion,"

Bakugo's scowl deepened as he shoved Todoroki further into the hall, his anger building at a rapid pace. "Bastard, you think you can just talk to me however you want?" he growled.

"Bakubro? Todobroski? What are you two doing?" Kirishima questioned as he exited his dorm with Kaminari. Shoji stepped out of his own dorm with Tokoyami moments after. Unsurprisingly, the two stubborn boys ignored their classmates' presence, giving their full attention to the little rivalry between them.

Todoroki scoffed "You expect respect when you refuse to even pretend to be nice? You're more delusional then you are angry,"

"Shut the hell up!" Bakugo harshly shoved the two-toned boy, causing him to stumble into the wall.

"What is going on here?" Iida loudly asked as he emerged from the elevator, Ojiro close behind. The commotion caught the attention of multiple Class 2A students, most of which were making there way to the scene of the argument.

Todoroki inhaled, trying to keep his cool. "Clearly you're feeling better," he shoved the pitcher back into Bakugo's arms. "Take it back yourself. I don't want to do any favors for the likes of you,"

Todoroki turned around to exit the scene but stopped dead in his tracks when cold liquid began trickling down from his head. Audible gasps came from the students on the sidelines as the angered fire and ice boy slowly turned back around. Bakugo was standing there with a now empty pitcher, a cocky smirk on his face.

Without thinking, Todoroki dove at Bakugo, tackling him to the ground. They both landed on the floor of Bakugo's dorm, the ice and fire boy on top of the spiky blond. Todoroki quickly shut the door, then hurriedly sat down facing the blond. Bakugo sat up as well, frowning in confusion. "What the hell are you doing?"

"What's your sexuality?"


did y'all know male platypuses have a spur(claw thingy) on the back of their feet that are venomous?

what kind of crackhead came up with these creatures?

also i really like making the chapter titles vague and misleading ;)

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