Chapter One | Damn Annoying Peppermint!!!

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"I-IT WASN'T MY F-F-FAULT!!! BLAME HALFIE OVER T-THERE!!!" Bakugo yelled, his anger easily getting the best of him. It took all of his willpower (and Mr. Aizawa) to keep him from blowing up the dual eye colored boy.

"You're the one who started it. I was just trying to clean up your mess," Todoroki clenched his fists, trying to keep his cool in front of everyone. He refused to look at Bakugo, thinking one glance at his angry face would make him lose control and flip out on the explosive boy.

And that's a very un-Todoroki thing to do.

"IT W-WOULDN'T HAVE HAPPENED IF YOU D-D-DIDN'T PICK A FIGHT!!!" Bakugo fumed, struggling to get out of the strong hold of Aizawa's scarf.

"You're always angry. Me just breathing would set you off," Todoroki deadpanned. His comment caught the attention of his classmates who had been watching the whole situation play out from the sidelines. Bakugo screamed in anger, trying with all his might to murder the dual haired boy.

"Holy crap, I've never seen Todoroki so mad."

"He's like... shaking in anger. It's kind of concerning."

"Did you hear that burn? Ruthless!"

"I haven't seen Bakugo this mad in a while,"

"They really looked like they were gonna kill each other earlier. That was so intense!"

The lunch bell rang and Eraserhead sent a glare to the class, signaling them to leave. They all trailed out of the classroom, disappointed that they didn't get to see the end of the whole ordeal.

Aizawa stopped his quirk and placed a warning hand on Bakugo's shoulder, just to make sure he wouldn't do anything. "Both of you, sit down." he glared at the two boys, sending shivers down both of their spines.

They each took seats in the front row, sitting at opposite ends so they wouldn't kill each other. Aizawa glanced at the two troublemakers before letting out a tired sigh, leaning against the podium in the front of the room. Todoroki had a red mark on his forehead and Bakugo was violently shivering. Both of them were drenched and their clothes looked slightly frozen.

"So... what happened?"

~Exactly sixteen minutes ago~

It was a fairly peaceful day for Class 2A. They had gotten through all of their morning lectures and were spending the remaining fifteen minutes of English studying in the school's library. It was quiet, and the only other students in the large room was a first-year general studies class.

Bakugo, despite his rebellious attitude, was a very good student. He excelled in nearly every subject, and always had a high enough placement in the class rankings to earn bragging rights. Naturally, he would spend his time studying, maybe even get a little ahead of the class.

Bakugo made his way towards shelf eight, where his favorite English vocabulary book was placed. There was the only one copy in the whole library, so Bakugo was pretty happy when he saw it neatly placed on the shelf. He noticed someone else in the aisle, but ignored them and went to reach for the book.

At the same time as the other person.

Their fingers unexpectedly brushed against each other, both boys retracting their hands at the speed of light. When Bakugo saw who the owner of the hand was, he immediately got pissed off.

"What the hell do you want?" he growled at the small green-haired boy, who visibly gulped at Bakugo's tone.

"O-oh, hey Kacchan!" the boy nervously fidgeted with his hands. "I don't need anything from you! Wait! That came out wrong! It's not that I don't want anything to do with you! I just don't need anything this second! I-I mean, it's not like I would ask for you help anytime anyways. But don't think it's because I don't want to ask for your help! I just wouldn't want to bother you!" He paused his rambling and looked at the blond boy, who was seriously annoyed with Midoriya. "Don't mind me! J-just grabbing this book to help me study!" he briskly grabbed the English vocabulary book and began speed walking out of the aisle.

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