Chapter Sixteen | Mr. Videogame Legend

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Katsuki was surprised to see that there were only three rooms in this part of the house. On the short journey to Shoto's bedroom, the young blond had walked past two rooms. One was a bathroom, and the other was an annoyingly oversized office. No bedrooms besides the half n' half's were in sight.

"Peppermint boy!" Katsuki spoke before he could think. "Don't you have a bunch of siblings? Where the hell did they sleep?"

"All of the main bedrooms are on the other side of the house. My bedroom used to be over there but..." he paused as they approached the door to his room, choosing his next words with caution. "... training my quirk became a priority for my father. My siblings would sometimes sneak into my bedroom to play and he didn't want me to have any distractions."

Katsuki rolled his eyes. "Damn geezer. Everything I hear about that guy makes him seem like even more of a scumbag," he crossed his arms and turned his head to face the door, an odd sense of pride welling inside his chest when he saw Shoto smiling from the corner of his eye.

It was silent for a few moments before Shoto decided to speak up. "So uh... what do you want to do?"

"How should I know!? It's your house!" Katsuki growled, slightly uncomfortable with awkward silence. Shoto thought for a moment before his attention was caught by the small television screen in the corner of his room.

"Bakugo, move that T.V. onto my desk. I have an idea," he quickly stood, darting out of the room before Katsuki could blink.

"I DON'T TAKE ORDERS FROM YOU, ASSHOLE!" he screamed after the boy but moved to do as he said anyways. He mindlessly shoved all of the books and stationery supplies onto the floor, placing the television on the hard surface with ease.

A couple of minutes later, a panting Shoto jogged into the room with a videogame console, controllers, and a copy of Mario Kart. Katsuki raised an eyebrow in amusement. "Did you run all the way to the store?"

"No. I got this from Natsuo's room," Shoto set the console and controllers next to the television, beginning to plug in the various cords. "I thought videogames might be something you'd find entertaining.

"I don't know if you want to do this half n' half. I'm pretty much a videogame legend!" Katsuki bragged, his malicious grin not matching his playful tone. "A puny racing game will be a piece of cake!"

"I'll have you know I happen to be an expert at Mario Kart. It's very unlikely that you'll win against me," Shoto declared with a competitive flare. Katsuki's grin only widened at the challenge.

"Give me a controller! You're so going down IcyHot!"

Thus began an hour and a half of gaming with the two teens. The game got more competitive with each round, and Katsuki quickly learned that Shoto wasn't lying about being an expert. They took very few breaks, and they were only to hydrate themselves and tell Mitsuki and Fuyumi to watch something else so they could finish their epic tournament.

"Wait wait wait don't- WAIT- FUCK- DAMMIT ICYHOT!" Katsuki screeched as Shoto passed the finish line before him for the 18th time. The two-toned boy somehow managed to beat him every single round. Katsuki was currently sitting on the bed with the halfie situated on the floor in front of him. "You're cheating! There's no way-"

"For the hundredth time, I'm not cheating!" Shoto exclaimed, barely able to conceal the cocky grin on his face. Katsuki responded with a frustrated groan, falling back onto the bed and letting the controller fall from his hands.

"I can't fucking believe this."

"Giving up without a single win? What happened to 'Mr. Videogame Legend'?" Shoto mused.

"Shut up you Canadian flag bastard!" the defeated blond kicked Shoto on the back of his head, just hard enough to shove him to the floor. "And for your information, I'm not giving up. Just taking a break,"

"Mhm, right," Shoto hummed, lifting himself off of the floor and laying back on the bed parallel to Katsuki. "We've been playing for a while. I'm exhausted,"

Katsuki quirked a brow, turning his head to look at the taller boy. "You're tired from playing videogames? Weak!"

"Winning every single round takes energy," Shoto replied with a shrug. He barely had time to pat himself on the back for the witty response when a pillow rammed into his face. Grabbing the pillow and sitting up, he gave the culprit a look of disbelief.

Katsuki was smirking now, arms folded behind his head. "What? You were getting too cocky,"

Shoto stared at the blond with a blank expression, before slamming the pillow into Katsuki's face with a force that was very unnatural for a pillow. He quickly yanked the pillow back towards himself before Katsuki could get ahold of it.

Katsuki snarled, sitting up and turning to grab another pillow. With some kind of superhuman speed, he whipped back around and nailed the heterochromatic boy on the side of his head. Shoto caught himself before he fell over, raising his pillow above his head and swinging it towards the blond.

Unlike last time, Katsuki was prepared. He grabbed Shoto's pillow before it could hit him, ripping it from the half n' half's hands and flinging it to the floor. Shoto's eyes widened and he raised his hands up in a defensive gesture. "Wait, Bakugo, that's not fair-!" he was cut off when said boy lunged at him, pillow raised and ready to conquer.

The youngest Todoroki couldn't help the surprised laugh he let out when the two of them began to wrestle for the pillow. The unfamiliar sound distracted Katsuki long enough for Shoto to yank the pillow from his grasp, holding tightly in his arms. He pressed his face into the soft material, rolling onto his side. "I surrender," he announced, voice muffled by the pillow.

"That didn't take long," the red-eyed boy rolled his eyes with a grin. Although he wasn't quite sure if he was smiling at the fact that he won or the strangely adorable position Shoto was in. "I knew I was gonna win from the beginning,"

The hot and cold hero in training removed the pillow from his face but continued to hold the fluffy object in his arms as he sat up. "I won all of those Mario Kart rounds, so I guess giving this win to you isn't that big of a deal,"

Bakugo scoffed, too tired to do much else. "Whatever. Let's watch something for a while, then we can get back to gaming and I can show you who's boss!"










Mitsuki hadn't expected Katsuki to behave. Her son has gone on multiple rants about how much Endeavor's son annoyed him during their first year, and she assumed that nothing has changed much since then. He seemed to be holding back his anger the whole night, and she was sure he was going to explode at some point. So imagine her surprise when she saw her hot-headed son sleeping peacefully next to Shoto Todoroki himself.

She couldn't help but smile at the sight of the two boys, completely at peace next to each other as the T.V. played some show about local heroes. She knew about her son's so-called "Bakusquad", and had met Kirishima on multiple occasions. She was glad to see that Katsuki had made some good friends, and more than proud that he managed to get along with the boy he swore he hated.

After taking a picture to show Masaru (and for possible blackmail in the future), Mitsuki decided to let her son keep sleeping. Fuyumi offered to let Mitsuki stay the night as well, but she didn't want her husband to come home to an empty house tomorrow morning. She and Fuyumi exchanged numbers and said their goodbyes, not aware of the chaos that tomorrow morning would bring.


i feel like i write and publish all of my chapters in the middle of the night lmao

it's actually really bad my sleep schedule is jacked
gotta love coronacation <3

also y'all been having some weird-ass conversations about platypuses in the comments-

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