Chapter Twenty-Four | Run With Me

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Shoto doesn't like to wake up early. Their classes started at 7:30 in the morning, and the often sleepy boy usually didn't get out of bed till the last possible moment. Today must have been some kind of miracle because Shoto Todoroki was fully awake without a hint of exhaustion at 5:15 AM.

He decided to go downstairs to grab some food but stopped in his tracks when he saw his explosive classmate already in the kitchen. Katsuki had on some black basketball shorts and the shirt that Shoto let him borrow. The dual-quirked boy's face heated up at the sight of his clothing on the more muscular boy, even though he knew the blond likely had no intentions of giving the blue t-shirt back.

"Good morning, Bakugo," he greeted the shorter boy, who flinched in surprise. Shoto was expecting a snarky comment, something along the lines of 'why are you so damn quiet!?', or 'don't sneak up on people like that you bastard!'.

However, the blond only let out a small breath of relief when he recognized his red and white classmate, turning back to what he was doing. "Morning," he mumbled. The spikey haired boy didn't notice Shoto's mildly shocked expression, moving to put ice in his giant red water bottle.

"I didn't know you got up this early," the younger boy started the conversation, hopping up to sit on the counter opposite to Katsuki.

"I like to go for a run every morning. That's why I always go to bed early," the blond replied, beginning to fill his bottle with water. "I'm usually the only one awake at this time. What're you doing up?"

Shoro shrugged. "I don't know. I tried to go back to sleep but it wasn't working." Katsuki scoffed at his answer.

"So you're just gonna sit around until class starts?" he questioned, turning around just in time to see Shoto shrug again.

"I have nothing better to do,"

"You wanna run with me?" Katsuki spoke before he could think. That seemed to be happening a lot lately. He inwardly cursed at himself for asking such a thing, willing time to reverse so he could take it back.

It's not that he was scared of Shoto rejecting his offer. No way. He couldn't care less about that bipolar bastard and it wouldn't hurt his feelings even the tiniest bit if he got turned down. No way.

Shoto's eyes widened in surprise. "Is that really okay with you?"

The blond clicked his tongue, turning his head to face the living room. "I wouldn't have asked if it wasn't, dumbass,"

Shoto's mouth curved into a small smile as he hopped off of the counter. "Alright. Let's go,"

Katsuki quirked a brow at the taller boy, looking him up and down. "You're still in your pajamas, idiot,"

The fire and ice user looked down at himself, then back up at the blond. "I know. Is that a problem?"

Katsuki let out a sigh, running his hand over his face and immediately regretting every choice he'd made that morning. "I'm not running with someone who's wearing Mirko pajama pants. Get dressed."

Shoto pouted before turning towards the elevator, dragging his feet like an ornery child. "If you're not back in five minutes I'm leaving without you!" Katsuki added, effectively getting the Poland flag boy to pick up the pace. The blond rolled his eyes as he made his way to one of the couches. He pretended not to notice the fond feeling that was growing in his chest.










Shoto nearly collapsed by the time they passed the second year buisness course dorms. He knew that none of the blond's workouts would be a walk in the park, but he was absolutely baffled that he ran so far every day.

"Weak," Katsuki snickered. He was out of breath too, but it was nothing compared to Shoto's uneven wheezing. The heterochromatic boy glared up at the spikey haired boy.

"Not all of us have a monsterous amount of stamina and endurance like you," he sassed, causing Katsuki to bark out a laugh.

"You rely too much on your quirk. It's not my fault I'm good at everything," he shrugged, wearing one of his signature smirks. Shoto just rolled his eyes and snatched the bottle from the blond's hands.

"I can't believe you run all the way to the business course dorms and back every day,"

"We're not done yet," Katsuki informed, more than a little amused when Shoto's expression displayed obvious dread. "C'mon, hurry it up paegent boy. How do you expect to be a hero if you can't handle a simple morning run?"

"I should be sleeping right now..." the half n' half boy mumbled. Despite his complaints he stood up straight and got ready to continue the trecherous journey that is Katsuki's morning run.


how y'all doin'?😃

school is really beating my ass but I wanted to publish something
i promise next chapter will be a little longer and more exciting

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