Chapter Twenty-One | Why The Hell Are You Running!?

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Katsuki couldn't get that stupid half n' half bastard out of his head.

The explosive blond thought a lot about his comment about Endeavor, and originally felt like he had been the winner of the whole situation. But as he began to realize the repercussions his words could have had, he realized that Shoto would likely be the one to face the consequences.

No, Katsuki Bakugo was not worried. That would be completely ridiculous. He was just mildly bothered by the fact that his hot and cold classmate may have received harsh treatment from that annoying flaming trash bin because of something that wasn't even his fault(although if he was being honest with himself, the idea of Shoto getting beat for any reason at all made his blood boil).

It was because of this feeling that's definitely not concern that he was silently having a crisis while he ate his lunch. He wanted to know if the two-toned boy was hurt, but the idea of asking him was out of the question. If he was to ask something dumb like, 'are you okay?' or, 'did that sad exscuse of a hero do something to you this weekend?', then it would definitely sound like he cared. And Katsuki Bakugo did not care about anybody. Especially Shoto Todoroki.

But he couldn't deny the fact that he had noticed the Poland flag bastard acting strange today. He wasn't necessarily more angsty than usual, but he was being weird. Something about the way he went about his routine just seemed a little off to Katsuki, and fact that he couldn't pinpoint the change was eating away at his patience.

"Hey, Bakugo! You alive, man?" Eijiro waved his hand in front of the blond's face. Katsuki narrowed his eyes at the limb flailing in front of him, swatting it away with much more force than needed. Eijiro was seemigly unaffected by the needless violence, his grin widening. "There he is!"

"You good, Bakugo? You haven't spoken the entire lunch period and you're glaring at Kami's food like it slapped your mother," Hanta joked, not affected in the slightest when the glare shifted to him.

"It's a little scary," Denki let out a nervous chuckle.

"It is kind of unsettling that you haven't shown any reaction our conversation," Kyoka casually added as she picked at her chipped purple nail polish.

"Yeah, it's totally weird!" Mina chirped, "Ealier we were talking about how strong Midoriya had gotten and there wasn't a single comment about him being a 'useless nerd' from you,"

"Shut up, racoon eyes!" Bakugo huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. "Maybe I just don't want to waste my breath on that loser," his gaze traveled over to the green-haired boy's table. Only a few seconds were spent mentally cursing at the small broccoli boy before his gaze shifted to the very person that was causing his current dillema.

He was taken off guard when a pair blue and grey eyes met his. Both of their eyes widened and he felt his face begin to heat up. They simultamiously turned away after no more than a second, but that was enough to cause Katsuki's heartbeat to pick up it's pace.

Why the hell did he look at me?

Why the hell was I looking at him?

What the hell is with this reaction!?

He let out an annoyed grunt, angrily grabbing his cup of water and chugging it.

"Woah, someone's thristy!" Hanta laughed, earning an amused snort from Denki. Mina and Kyoka began giggling at the blond's antics, but Ejiro just quirked a brow and stayed silent. Katsuki pointedly ignored all of them.

Now that I think about it, I've felt someone staring at me all day

What if... what if that was Todoroki?

His eyes widened and he gasped. Unfortunatly he had been in the middle of aggressivly chugging his water, so he inhaled water and began coughing like a madman.

"Holy- are you okay?" Mina's eyes widened in urgency as she began lightly hitting his back. He leaned over the table and sheilded the bottom half of his face. It was partially to cover his mouth but mostly to hide the flustered blush that invaded his cheeks. His coughing fit easily captured the attention of the surrounding tables.

"Gosh, he's coughing so hard you'd think he inhaled cinnamon or something!" Ochacko exclaimed with a small hint of concern in her expression.

"I hope he's okay..." Izuku mumbled, his eyebrows creasing with worry.

"Bakugo! You must be carful while you eat!" Tenya was already making his way over to Katsuki's table, chopping his arms along the way. "As future pros, one of our duties is to avoid dying before we graduate, so you have to be catious!"

Shoto clutched his shirt as he stared down at his soba noodles. He heard the blond coughing up a storm but he couldn't bring himself to look in that direction again. His father's words had been echoing in his head all day long, and every moment he wasn't preoccupied with school or friends he caught himself staring at the explosive firecracker.

The heterochromatic boy was not anticipating the possiblity of Katsuki looking back at him. His mismatched eyes had met brilliant vermillion and Shoto was massivly unprepared. They held eye-contact for about a second, and it had his poor heart racing. He was pretty sure his face was red as a tomoato, so he was silently gratful that his friend's attention had was elsewhere.

"Todoroki, are you okay?" Momo softly asked with a small frown. She slightly flinched when Shoto abrubtly stood up, his head angled in a way that made his hair fall over his eyes. The sudden action caught both Izuku and Ochako's attention.

"I'm fine," he tried his best to keep an even tone, fidgeting with his thumbs. "I just remembered I have to get to class early and speak with Mr. Aizawa. Excuse me," he turned towards the exit, briskly walking away.

Katsuki had just began breathing normally again when he saw a flash of red and white speed out of the lunch room. He was standing up before he could think, and all of the sudden he was pretty much sprinting towards the hallway.

"Hey! Where are you going!?" Denki called after him.

"Don't run in the cafeteria!" Tenya's instructed, chopping his arms all over the place. He didn't acknowledge either of them, only one objective in mind. He dashed down the halls, guessing that his rival had went to their classroom. It was only a few seconds before he saw his target at the end of the corridor.

"ICY-HOT!" he growled, continuing to bound towards him at full speed. Shoto looked over his shoulder, a puzzled and startled expression on his face.

"Bakugo?" he stared in confusion for a second, but soon realized that the blond showed now sign of slowing down. His insticts told him that he was probably in danger and that he should run, so that's exactly what he did.

He bolted in the opposite direction of Katsuki, not sure exactly where he was going or why. The blond felt a jab of annoyance at the sight, willing himself to pick up the pace. "WHY THE HELL ARE YOU RUNNING!?"

"Why are you chasing!?" Shoto countered, not slowing down but breifly looking over his shoulder. When he looked back in front of him, he nearly ran into Fumikage as he emerged from the boys bathroom.

"Excuse me," he spoke in a flat tone and he norrowly missed ramming his body into the bird boy. He continued running, quickly turning the corner and going up the stairs.

"MOVE IT EDGELORD!" Katsuki grabbed Fumikage's shoulder, hoisting himself into the air to jump over him. "GET BACK HERE YOU ASSHOLE!"

Fumikage watched as the raging blond pratically flew around the corner, dark shadow coming out to see as well. "... well this is a strange development,"


i wasn't expecting this chapter to go in this direction but here we are :)

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