Chapter Twenty-Two | They Were Banging!?

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"Gotcha, ya' candy cane bastard!" Katsuki growled in victory. He eventually managed to catch the fire and ice wielder, but it wasn't until the two-toned boy ducked into the bathroom in an attempt to hide. Shoto's eyes furrowed in confusion.

"Why were you trying to catch me?" the heterochromatic boy asked, slightly tilting his head to the side. Katsuki tried his best to ignore how annoyed he was by Shoto's emotionless tone.

"Because you were running, you prick! Why in the hell did you do that!?" he yelled, not missing the chance to throw in an insult at the young Todoroki. Shoto just looked at him with an expression that screamed, 'are-you-seriously-asking-me-such-an-obvious-question'.

"You were chasing me," he stated with the same controlled tone. The contrast between his face and his voice did nothing to quench the blond's anger.

"I fucking know that, asshole! I was there!" he clenched his fists as his sides, taking a deep breath in. He honestly wasn't that pissed off about Shoto running away. When the taller boy had run away in the beginning, he was confused and a little annoyed. But now, standing in some random U.A. bathroom right across from Shoto, he realized that the little spur-of-the-moment game of chase was kind of...

Katsuki shook his head violently, trying to rid the thought from existence. There is no way in hell that stupid experience was fun. Not a fucking chance. It was dumb, and a waste of time, and things that are wastes of time are NOT fun.

"What's wrong? Are you trying to scramble your brain or something?" Shoto asked, referring to the way Katuski was aggressively shaking his head. He displayed no emotions on his face but a tiny hint of amusment could be heard in his voice. Katsuki didn't notice it.

"What the hell!? That's a fucking weird thing to say!" he glared at the two-toned boy, slightly taken aback as a tiny smirk made it's way onto Shoto's face.

"Forgive me, I suppose that would be impossible considering you don't have a brain," he spoke with a mischevious glint in his eyes. "My mistake,"

Katuski gaped at the boy in front of him. Did the stone-faced Todoroki just joke around!? With a teasing expression!?!?!? Katsuki didn't quite know how to process this strange situation, so he naturally went with his default setting: angry.


"Yo, can you guys like, tone it down?" Shoto and Katsuki quickly diverted their attention to the stall farthest form the door. There was a tall boy with straight black hair and dark blue eyes- probably a third-year. He leaned on the stall next to him, staring at the two boys with a slight scowl.

"Our apologies," Shoto was the first to speak, bowing slighlty. He hoped to avoid being scolded by an upperclassman by apologizing, but Katsuki had other plans.

"Why the fuck do you care if we're having a conversation in the bathroom!?" he snarked, crossing his arms and jutting his chin out. Shoto supposed it was to add an intimidation factor, but it honestly looked more ridiculous than scary.

The third-year smiled at them, although it looked very forced and kind of gave off the impression that he didn't know how to smile. It was a little scary. "I don't really care if you guys continue your aggressive, loud flirting, but it wouldn't be very good for us if a teacher came in here,"

Shoto's face warmed up and he quickly averted his gaze, the jumbled mess of thoughts that had been plauging his mind all day deciding flood his mind once again. Katsuki's cheeks reddened, but he also squinted in confusion at the boy's choice of words. "Us?"

"Dang it!" a lighter voice suddenly exclaimed, surprising both of the flustered boys. A boy who was significantly shorter with bright orange hair suddenly walked out of the same stall the other one had emerged from. "They probably wouldn't have seen me if you didn't say that, dumb dumb!"

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