Chapter Fourteen | Something He Already Knew

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"Holy hell, this place is huge!" Mitsuki gaped at the large household, impressed by the sheer size of the place. She eyed the traditional structure with sparkles in her eyes. "Everything is so Japanese!"

"I know, right! My father may not look like it, but he loves the traditional Japanese style," Fuyumi smiled at the blonde woman, an equal amount of enthusiasm in her tone. "I think it makes him feel classy,"

Shoto scoffed at the comment, not noticing the way Katsuki rolled his eyes. Endeavor is many things, but classy is definitely not one of them.

"Are you sure it's okay for us to be here? This place is definitely too expensive for us..." Mitsuki muttered as her eyes admired the large outdoor area in front of the house.

"You make it sound as if we live in a dumpster or something," Katsuki rolled his eyes again, this time earning at light shove from his mother. Fuyumi's smile widened at the gesture.

"I'm actually really glad you two agreed to come!" she slid the door open, moving aside to let everyone inside. "Welcome to the Todoroki residence!"

The four of them made their way to the kitchen, Mitsuki not missing the opportunity to admire the house decor every step of the way. The two ladies began preparing dinner, their friendly conversation continuing to flow naturally.

The two teenage boys both sat at the island counter, a few seats apart from one another. Shoto began zoning out as he listened to the two women talk back and forth, while Katsuki was thinking about the lack of family pictures in the big household.

It was like this for the next 30 minutes or so. At some point, Katsuki had taken out his phone and began scrolling through his text messages. He rolled his eyes when he saw two missed messages from Kirishima, feigning annoyance.

'shitty hair

yo! bakubro!
4:45 PM

shitty hair

i wanted to ask u about something when ur free. call me when u have a chance!
4:45 PM'

That was odd. Although the red-head was overly social, Katsuki knew that he hated phone calls. Even more so than texting. Something about how talking to people face to face was more manly. If he was telling the fiery blond to call him, then he must have something important to ask.

He silently made his way towards the doors of the kitchen, catching the attention of his oh-so-loving mother. "Hey, Brat! Where are you going?!"

"Bathroom," he quickly lied, slipping into the long hallway. The blond continued walking for a few moments until he was sure nobody was following him, taking out his phone. He opened the contact he cleverly named'shitty hair', hesitating before pressing the 'call' button. It only took a couple of rings before Kirishima answered.

"Hey, Bakubro!" the sharp-toothed boy enthusiastically greeted the blond. Katsuki could tell by the sound of his voice that his red-haired friend was smiling.

"Shitty hair," the blond replied, making no effort to start the conversation. He heard Kirishima say something to someone, and then what sounded like a door closing.

"Hey, so uh, I just wanted to make sure you're okay," Kirishima spoke again, his voice sounding more concerned than before. Katsuki frowned, not understanding why the red-head asked such a strange question.

"Huh? Why do you wanna ask me that? You could have waited till Monday,"

"Ah, I know, it's just... I was gonna ask you about it during this past week, but you were busy trying to catch up after your house arrest with Todoroki," Kirishima rambled. "That's actually what I wanted to talk to you about..."

If Katsuki wasn't confused before, he definitely was now. "I have no idea what you're trying to say, Shitty Hair" he honestly admitted, hearing the other sigh into the phone.

"I've been worried about you, bro. You've been getting into a lot of fights with Todoroki lately. I get that you two are rivals or whatever, but it seems like anytime you're around each other you try to kill each other!"

Katsuki glanced at his surroundings, deciding it was wise not to tell Kirishima that he was about to eat dinner at IcyHot's house.

"I'm still confused as hell," he responded, not understanding what the sharkboy was getting at.

"It's just- it's not like you to get mad so easily. Sure you've always had explosive anger, but you're usually pretty good at ignoring everything and not freaking out," Kirishima explained, worry becoming more evident in his voice. "Every time Todoroki provokes you, it takes no time for you to explode! Sometimes you're the one that provokes him! You may be a hothead, but you don't usually go looking for a fight,"

Katsuki let Kirishima's words sink in, an uneasy feeling settling in his stomach. Was he really more explosive around Todoroki? The stupid half and half was always getting on his nerves, but why? Was it because they were rivals? Yeah, that had to be it.

"We're rivals, what do you expect?"

"But, it's not like any other rivalry I've ever seen. You always act like you hate Midoriya, but you don't go trying to fight him all the time!"

Katsuki tried to come up with an answer but to no avail. Kirishima ignored the lack of a response from the blond and continued voicing his concerns.

"Also, your fights have gotten really weird lately. I guess what happened in the library was pretty much a big accident, but then there was the food fight. It's really strange for you to take part in something so childish- it was almost playful. And then the whole thing when you guys came back from detention and Todoroki was helping you stand up straight. That one was pretty weird, you're arm was around his shoulders and stuff. There was also that day when you were both absent from school because you were sick. That evening might have been the weirdest incident out of everything. You guys just started bickering in the hallway all of the sudden, and then you poured water on his head and he tackled you into your dorm-"

"I get it! I was there! I remember what happened, idiot!" Katsuki suddenly felt extremely flustered. He thanked the gods that Kirishima wasn't in front of him. He'd probably die of humiliation if the red-head saw the embarrassed blush in his face.

"Right, sorry. But that's not really what worried me the most," Kirishima sounded like an anxious parent at this point, but he was truly concerned about the ash blond's recent exchanged with their dual-quirked classmate. "When you guys fought during gym class, it was really scary. After the treadmills broke- which was weird on its own- you two just attacked each other out of nowhere! It was really... violent. And... something else was kinda strange too..."

Katsuki intently waited for Kirishima to continue, anxiety creeping up his spine. "...what is it? Spit it out Kirishima, what was so strange?"

Kirishima was silent for a moment, trying to find the right words. "How do I explain it... uh... I guess it was like you two were angry beyond belief, but not at each other. Almost like you were angry at... yourselves? Or maybe something else. I don't know, but you two did say some pretty surprising things during that..."

Katsuki's eyes widened. For some reason, Katsuki felt like it was something he already knew deep down.

Kirishima slightly panicked at the blond's silence, desperately trying to backpedal. "Sorry if I've overstepped some kind of boundary or made you uncomfortable! I was just worried something was wrong!"

"Right... uh, the hag is calling me so I gotta go. Everything is fine so don't read too much into it," Katuski quickly ended the call, not even waiting to hear the red-haired boy's reply. He leaning back against the wall, running his hands through his hair and over his face.

What the hell is going on?


my laptop is broken :(

also, it's 2:38 AM and my 3 brain cells don't know how to act so i apologize for any spelling mistakes

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