Chapter Five | Taking A Day Off

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After about fifteen minutes, the two made it to the dorms and were greeted with a strange atmosphere. Once they stepped into the common room, not only was there confusion as to why Todoroki was holding up Bakugo, but there was also fear and hesitance that forbade all of their classmates from asking any questions.

Not only were Todoroki and Bakugo the hardest to approach in Class 2A, but the sudden fights in the library and cafeteria were fresh in the student's minds, and nobody wanted to be the person that re-lit the fuse. So, Bakugo and Todoroki were welcomed back from detention with uneasy glances and tense silence.

Bakugo cursed at a few of them as they passed by, while Todoroki blatantly ignored all of their lingering eyes. Eventually, they made it to the elevator, Bakugo flipping off everyone who happened to be staring as the doors closed. (If there isn't an elevator in the dorms, there is now)

The moment the doors closed, Baukgo allowed himself to slump against the wall. With only his pride as motivation, he managed to fight through the dizziness and walk through the dorms without Todoroki's assistance. There was no way he would let anyone witness him being helped, especially by one of his rivals in the class.

The two rode the elevator in silence, neither of them wanting to acknowledge the other's presence. When the elevator doors opened on the fourth floor, Todoroki debated offering help to Bakugo. Sure he disliked the aggressive blond, but he had experienced being sick as a child and knew it was comforting to have someone help you. Helping Bakugo would be for himself, not for Bakugo.

"Bakugo, if you need anything you can message me. I'll try to help you out if I can," he blandly stated in his usual emotionless tone. Bakugo turned to face the heterochromatic boy with a less than decent expression.

"Suck my dick," he flipped Todoroki off before heading towards his dorm without so much as glancing back. Todoroki took a deep breath in, hand squeezing around the strap of his bag with unimaginable strength. He managed to conceal his annoyance, calmly taking the elevator to the fifth floor and heading to his dorm to complete his homework.










Todoroki could barely get through his morning routine without thoughts of the spiky-haired blond crossing his mind. He couldn't help but wonder if the aggressive boy still had a fever and whether or not he would be attending school.

After eating with the rest of his classmates, Todoroki concluded that Bakugo had either decided to stay home or slept in from being so sick. Before he could even exit the dorms, he was stopped by Aizawa.

"I assume Bakugo is ill?" he raised a brow, observing Todoroki in a very accusing manner.

Todoroki frowned, confused as to why Aizawa wanted to talk about Bakugo of all things. "I uh... I guess so. He didn't come down for breakfast and he was in really bad condition yesterday,"

Aizawa stared at the dual haired boy before letting out a sigh. "And you, being the only one who knows that he's sick, decided to go about your day without even checking up on him? Your ice was one of the main reasons he got sick in the first place. Don't you feel at least the slightest bit responsible?"

Todoroki thought about it for a second, a feeling of guilt slowly creeping in. He hadn't seen a situation like that before Aizawa mentioned it. Sure Bakugo and his foul mouth may have had it coming, but it was very un-herolike to leave him alone in his condition.

"Listen, someone should stay here with him so he doesn't hurt himself. I have a feeling he has no idea how to take care of himself in this type of situation. Why don't you stay here and check up on him now and then?" Aizawa suggested. A disgusted expression fell upon Todorki's face, making Aizawa roll his eyes.

"You're one of the smartest students in Class 2A, there's not a doubt in my mind you can spare one day. I'll give you the classwork for today so you won't fall behind. It's not like you have to spend every second with him," Aizawa persisted.

Todoroki thought about it, before reluctantly deciding it would be best to listen. His sister had taken care of him when he was sick as a child, so he was pretty confident he could handle things. Besides, it's not like he would have to seriously interact with the Bakugo. He'd probably be sleeping most of the time anyway.

"...fine." Todoroki directed his gaze away from his teacher, who was content with Todoroki's decision.

"Alright. I'll place today's papers on the dining room table. You should go ahead and bring Bakugo some medicine," he pulled out a bottle of medicine and a spoon.

Todoroki paid no mind of the oddly convenient substance, taking it from his teacher and regrettably heading to the elevator. A successful smirk crossed Aizawa's face as he went to retrieve Todoroki's school papers.










Interview With Aizawa

"You may have caught on the fact that I have been creating situations in which Bakugo and Todoroki have to interact. After the incident in the library and cafeteria, it was obvious that there needed to be a change."

"Even if they don't become best friends, they'll at least get used to each other's temper and big catastrophes will most likely be avoided. Best case scenario, the two become friends. A strange concept, I know, but I think it would good for UA and society. It's clear they're both going to become very powerful heroes. Imagine two of the most powerful heroes being able to functionally work together. They could save a lot of people."

"Of course, neither of them are the type to express their gratitude towards the people they are close to, so them becoming open to each other isn't likely. But hopefully, they can at least grow to be allies."


bet you didn't expect Aizawa to accidentally help your ship


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