More than all the days and nights

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Hope POV

Hope: "So can you help me or not?"

Freya: "I can, but just the 2 of us won't have enough power unless you
become a tribrid and that's not an option. so I'll ask Davina and Vincent to help"

Hope: "Perfect, thank you"

Freya: "You really love her, don't you?"

Hope: "More than I love myself"

Freya: "Well, it'll take awhile to do the spell, so go wake her and the others up. The boys can spend the day with Kol, Klaus, Elijah and Marcel while the twins go with Hayley and Rebekah".

I really hope she loves me as much as I love her, because I wouldn't do this for just anyone. As I get to Lizzie and MG's room I knock softly,.It takes a bout 45 seconds for MG to open it

MG: "Hey, Hope"

Hope: "Hey. Is Lizzie awake?"

Lizzie: "Why aren't you with my sister?"

Hope: "She's sleeping. Plus, I came to talk to you guys"

MG: "What are the plans for today?"

Hope: "Well, you and Kaleb are gonna spend the day with my uncles and dad"

MG: "Ok, I'll go get him up and ready"

Lizzie: "Are me and Jo gonna hang out with just you, because I do not wanna be a third wheel?"

Hope: "No, you and her are gonna be with my mom and aunt Rebekah"

Lizzie: "So where the hell are you going?"

Hope: "Freya, Davina and I have things to do. Now, if you'll excuse me I'm gonna go wake Jo up"

Josie POV

"Baby, wake up" I hear Hope say. I hum in response. She starts kissing me after a few I kiss back, then she stops. So I pull her back down. After 2-3 minutes of us kissing she stops again

Hope: "As much as I would love to do this all day, we have things to do"

Jo: "What do we have to do?"

Hope: "You and your sister are going with Rebekah and my mom, and the boys are going with the guys"

Jo: "But I wanna be with you"

Hope: "We can be together all night and we can go shopping tomorrow"

Jo: "Ok, but what are you gonna do today?"

Hope: "I can't say, but I need you to get ready, so you guys can go"

I get ready and meet the others down stairs. "Everyone ready?" Kol asks.

Hope: "Have fun ok?"

Jo: "You too"

Then she gave me a kiss and told me she loved me, of course I said it back. When we leave we get in a matte black jeep and start driving

Rebekah: "Anywhere you guys wanna go?"

Lizzie: "A mall?"

Hayley: "You ok with that, Josie?"

Jo: "Yea, I'm fine with it"

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