Better than I expected

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Josie POV

Hope, Lizzie and I are just arriving at the old mill. I don't have supernatural senses like smelling, but I could smell the weed and alcohol from the school. There's a big crowd of people, so I grab Hopes hand.

Hope: "You ok?"

I nod and she looks away. I say in Hopes ear "Wanna get a drink?" Even though I know she could hear me perfectly clear. When we get to the drinks Hope grabs a red solo cup for me and herself. She fills them both up with beer, and hands me one. I take a gulp of mine while Hope just downs the whole thing. I debate if I should ask if she's ok or not. I choose to but later when we're alone.

Jo: "Wanna dance?"

Hope: "Not really"

Jo: "Please?"

Hope: "Fine, come on"

Maya POV

Well it's safe to say I like Josie. But I can't have her because of Hope. So only option I have is to get rid of Hope. I'm pretty sure she's a werewolf so I got the strongest wolfs bane I could find. I spot them dancing, so I walk over to them discreetly. I purposely bump into Hope and inject the syringe into her arm. Shouldn't be long now. I go over to Ethan who is making out with this girl. I push the girl off of him.

Ethan: "What the hell is your problem?"

Maya: "I don't have one. My life is about to get better"

Ethan: "I know that smirk, what did you do?"

Maya: "You'll see"

I walk away from him

Hope POV

As me and Josie are dancing I start to get drowsy. I only had 1 cup of beer so I should be tipsy at most, considering I'm part werewolf. I'm having fun, so I don't say anything to Jo. It'll go away in a minute...hopefully

Josie POV

I see Hope start to stumble and trip over her own feet

Jo: "Hope, are you ok?"

Hope: "I'm, fine. It'll go away in a bit"

Jo: "Do you need to sit down?"

Hope: "No, I'm fine"

After about 5 more minutes of us dancing Hope just drops to the ground. I go down with her and start yelling her name while shaking her. Telling her to wake up. MG comes over to me

MG: "What happened?"

Jo: "I don't know, she just passed out"

MG checks her pulse

MG: "We need to get her to your dad now. She doesn't have a pulse"

I start to panic. MG picks her up and tells me to come on, but I can't. I'm just frozen in place crying. Then Maya comes up to me and asks what's wrong.

Jo: "She's dead"

Maya: "Who's dead?"

Jo: "Hope. I don't know what happened she just fell"

Maya: "Come on let's get you to your room, ok?"

She walks me to my room and offers to stay with me. I declined, because I know Hope will come back.

Hope POV

I wake up gasping for air. I look around and I'm in a werewolf transition cell. I look around and see Alaric and MG.

A love that can never be corrupted (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now