Your an atheist

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Josie POV

For like the third time tonight I hear a baby crying, which makes the other two cry. Hopes gotten them all night and I feel like I should at least try and help. I stand up and grab Joseph. I sit back down and rock him back to sleep. I feel the bed move so I turn to look at Hope. She's sitting while rubbing her neck. She stands up and walks over to me. She grabs Danielle and starts rocking her too, sitting next to me. Out of the corner of my eye, I see a red glow from her siphoning Hope. I look at Hope and see her already staring

Jo: "What is it with you and staring?"

Hope: "Mental picture"

Jo: "You must have a lot"

She looks down at Dani, who's now asleep, then puts her in her crib and grabs Kay. I put Joseph in his crib then lay down. I don't have much room since hopes sitting on my side of the bed, so I move over

Hope: "Don't fall asleep, Jo"

Jo: "Why not? The nurse said I have to sleep"

Hope: "Because you are on my side of the bed"

Jo: "Well, I don't have any space"

She stands and puts Kay in her crib, then walks around the bed to where I'm laying and just stands there

Jo: "You look like a creep"

Hope: "You have your space now"

Jo: "But I'm comfortable here"

Hope: "Yea, on MY side"

Jo: "It's just a bed Hope. Lay down and go to sleep"

Hope: "I can't. Just go to your side"

Jo: "Make me"

She sighs then walks back around the bed and lays down.

Hope POV

I know what your all thinking and it is just a bed, but she's on my side of the bed. I can't get comfortable on this side. Throughout the night I keep turning over trying to fall asleep, even if it was just for a minute

Jo: "Hope, stop moving"

Hope: "We wouldn't have to go through this if you would just move"

She doesn't respond and goes back to sleep. I decide to put a shirt on and leave the room. Maybe if I eat something I can fall asleep. As I'm eating, I start to think back to yesterday. You know, about the merge and all of that. After I'm done eating I go to the library and start searching for a way to stop it. I find out it happens when they turn 22, and if you win you don't just kill the other, you absorb some features. I search until sunrise, and nothing tells me how to stop it. I start getting frustrated. I've searched almost all of the books here, so I grab the remaining few and walk to my room. I see Jo still asleep, so I sit at my desk in the corner on the room and start reading. After another failure, I look at the time. *6:34*. Meaning Josie has to get up in about 25 minutes, because she has to go to class. I get up and make the babies bottles of Josies breast milk. Sometimes we use formula or she just breast feeds but she's sore because they are teething, so they like to nibble on her. I give the girls theirs then grab Joseph to feed him. He hasn't really been able hold the bottle himself but he's close. I sit back down on my chair and keep reading with him. I hear Josie get up and go to the bathroom. When she comes out she wraps her arms around my neck from behind me, and puts her head on my shoulder

Jo: "Where'd you go?"

Hope: "The kitchen, then the library"

Jo: "What book did you get"

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