Is that pee?

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(Before the chapter start look at how beautiful Kaylee is)

Freya POV

Hope: "Now don't get me wrong Josie is quite literally the strongest person I know and I am so happy we are having triplets, but I don't think she can do this right now"

Freya: "There is nothing I can do, Hope. I tried. I really did, but at this rate she will have these babies between tonight and tomorrow morning"

Hope: "Is there something you can do about the pain? I don't want her to hurt"

Freya: "I can do some numbing spells"

Hope: "Thank you"

Freya: "How are you doing with all of this going on?"

Hope: "I'm fine. It's just...I'm worried about Josie"

Freya: "We all are, but she's stronger than ever. I'm sure she can do this. Especially with you by her side"

Hope: "The craziest part about this is we are gonna have 3 kids at the ages 19 and 17"

Freya: "Yea, your pretty young, but you guys got this. Josie is gonna be a great mom and I'm sure you will be too"

Hope: "I'm gonna go check on her"

Hope POV

I'm not gonna lie, I have no idea how to parent. I mean mine did a great job and still are but how do I do it?. I guess what we leaned is when we use that spell, use condoms.

Hope: "Hi, baby"

Jo: "Hi"

Hope: "How are you feeling?"

Jo: "Same as earlier, just tired now"

Hope: "Do you wanna take a nap?"

Jo: "Yes, I just don't wanna take one without you"

Hope: "That's sweet, but I don't think we can both fit on this bed. I can be here with you though"

Jo: "Can we go to our room, then?"

Hope: "After you have the babies, which won't be long. Aunt Freya said it'll either be tonight or tomorrow morning"

Jo: "Do you think we're gonna be good moms?"

Hope: "Of course. You'll probably be better at it than me, though"

Jo: "Since there's 3 of them already, do we have one more in like a few years?"

Hope: "Your body, your choice"

Jo: "I know. but I want it to be our choice"

Hope: "And it will be. How about this, we have another when we're ready and more if we want more"

Jo: "Sounds great. Do you wanna raise them here or New Orleans?"

Hope: "I don't know love. Where do you want them to be raised?"

Jo: "I was thinking we could raise them here and visit New Orleans"

Hope: "Sounds like a plan to me"

Jo: "What if they are all boys?"

Hope: "Then we'll be mother's of 3 boys"

Jo: "Yea I know that, but what about the names. We only thought of 1 boy name"

Hope: "We'll figure it out"

Jo: "I think we should change Joseph's middle name"

Hope: "What are you thinking?"

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