42: Pieces

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I woke up with a smile on my face; a simple quality that hasn't happened in months. To wake up happy meant the start of a good day. It was Christmas morning and I was squirming with holiday joy. It was as if every nerve in my system were synapsing with surges of energy and my muscles were spazing in utmost excitement. The air was cold, my toes were in major need of fuzzy socks, and my taste buds were tantalizing with a yearn for peppermint hot cocoa with tons of whipped cream.

Today was the first time during this season where I felt the Christmas cheer radiating all around me. It was warm, welcoming, and familiar. Today was also my dad's birthday and while I wished he were still on this Earth with me, celebrating with laughter and lots of food, this warm feeling enveloping me felt like a hug from my dad. I missed him greatly, but I knew he was up in Heaven watching over me.

I eventually slipped out of the comfort of my own bed, greeting the cold air in my room like an old friend. I quickly sauntered across my room to the closet, grabbing a fresh, new towel. I merrily skipped out of my room, down the hall and into the bathroom where a warm shower was waiting for me. Normally, my showers ran long. I had a whole routine dedicated to my body cleansing ritual. But this time I didn't want a long shower. I enjoyed the hot water against my bare skin, but I was willing to sacrifice the feeling if it meant getting ready quicker.

To say I was excited would be an understatement. Luke, Mrs. Hemmings, and I were due to the hospital in less than two hours. We had planned to spend Christmas morning with my mother and sister, and the thought of it made me want to dance like crazy. Despite the fact that my mom was confined to a hospital bed, I knew that the company from myself and the Hemmings were enough for my mother to keep fighting for her health.

Once I ended my shower early, I wrapped the large towel around my body, quickly strolling back into my room. I stood before my open closet to choose something to wear. This wasn't going to be a normal Christmas family party, so I opted for something very simple. A pair of thick, black leggings and an ugly Christmas sweater that was thick enough to keep me warm. I spent about 45 minutes to myself getting ready. I blew dried my hair, did my makeup, changed my clothes, and before running out the door, I made sure to spend some time sending out personalized Christmas texts to all my cousins and friends.

"Happy Birthday, dad," I smiled to myself, looking at the framed photograph of my dad and I that sat on the small table in the foyer. I looked up at the ceiling, as if looking up into Heaven and shooting my dad a smile.

I opened the front door wide, and despite the tingling cold air outside that made my nose frozen and my cheeks to tint pink, I couldn't help but to grin. I walked to my car with a skip to my step, and once I was all situated, I blasted Christmas songs through my speakers. I sang at the top of my lungs as I drove through Percival Shores, arriving at the Hemmings household approximately 8 minutes later. I parked my car against the curb and instead of walking up the driveway like a normal person, I made my way to the front porch like a kangaroo on crack. I hopped, skipped, and even did a cartwheel to the door, relishing in the happiness that prickled every inch of me.

I rang the doorbell twice, stepping back onto the porch as I waited for the door to swing wide open. It didn't take long at all, and when it did, Mrs. Hemmings stood with an ear-to-ear grin on her face and a red apron around her waist. Her blonde hair was tucked up into a sweet up-do and her normally pale lips were painted with a ruby red lipstick - perfect for today's occasion. Mrs. Hemmings exuded such bliss that it was absolutely infectious. Without waiting for her to let me in, I quickly shuffled my feet into the home and pulled Mrs. Hemmings into a tight hug. I nuzzled my head on her shoulder and held onto her waist tightly, taking in the cozy smell of vanilla.

✔ DRUNK words, SOBER thoughts ✖ hemmings auWhere stories live. Discover now