09. All The Small Things

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I seriously was out of my mind. I don't know what came over me. One minute I was waiting for Ari to bring me back pizza and the next I was signing up for open mic night in a college town filled with several crazy people. But there was something about being around Ari that made me feel more at ease - it was the same feeling I had when she took care of me that one drunken night. The night I don't remember except for the liberating feelings that Ari seemed to bring out in me.

I stood on the stage, spotlights blinding my vision and heating up my skin. I borrowed a guitar from a hippie girl who would be performing after me. The catch however, I had to ditch my polo for another shirt. So instead of the collared shirt I came into the cafe with, I walked onto the stage with a plain black v-neck.

The girl said that the material of the shirt spoke to her, claiming that the shirt she had in her bag was made to keep my chakras in line - whatever the hell that meant. But nonetheless, I took the shirt. The girl was off kilter yes, but I wasn't in Percival Shores.

There was no reason for judgment.

"Hey everyone," I spoke into the mic, my voice echoing from the speakers that surrounded the stage. "So um, it's my first time performing here tonight--"

An eruption of cheers filled my ears and a smile formed on my face.

"I'm going to need some help with this song. There's a part in it that goes, na-na-na-na-na," I sang in tune, and immediately the crowd knew what I was going to sing.

I decided to go for a classic song. Something upbeat and familiar; something that everyone would know and pump the crowd up. If I were going to embarrass myself up here tonight, then I'd like to do it while having some kind of fun.

I caught glimpse of Ari sitting at a table by herself near the front of the stage. She looked at me with a surprised look on her face, smirking up at me like what the hell? I simply shrugged at her as she laughed at my expense.

"When we get to that part, I want everyone to sing it with me. Heck, if you know the lyrics to the rest of the song, just shout it out so I'm not alone here," I nervously chuckled. I took a deep breath in and out, "this song is called All The Small Things by Blink 182."

With the guitar, I played the song singing the lyrics loud and clear, "all the small things, true care, truth brings. I'll take one lift, your ride, best trip..."

To say that the crowd went nuts would be an understatement. They went totally berserk during my performance. I was nervous as sweaty ballsacks but the crowd totally felt the vibe I was going for. Granted, it may have been the copious amounts of beer they had consumed but even so, the energy was at an all time high. The crowd sang along with me. They danced, jumped around, and at the end I finished with a standing ovation.

"Great job man!"

"You are a fúcking magical fairy with that guitar!"

"I'd go gay for you man!"

When I jumped off of the stage, I was welcomed with several pats on the backs, high-fives, and even a few slaps on the ass. The 60ish people that were cramped inside of the small cafe basement praised me for something that I loved to do and the thought of it was insane. It was weird; it felt as if I were accepted for who I am - and I felt like me when I was behind a guitar.

I turned my head in every direction, smiling at everyone, yet trying to search for Ari who was hidden behind the crowd. Finally, I saw her. She stood on top of a chair, clapping her hands and smiling at me. I headed towards her, still receiving handshakes from the audience. When I approached Ari, she jumped off of the chair and I took a seat across from her.

✔ DRUNK words, SOBER thoughts ✖ hemmings auOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora