Epilogue: The Time of Their Lives

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Percival Shores, California couldn't have seen a more beautiful afternoon than it did on this particular day. The waves crashed, the skies were blue, and the strong aroma of mouthwatering food filled the air with a sucker punch to the nostrils. Outside of a beach front home, older party guests mingled amongst each other while holding a range of refreshments. The younger guests, who were no older than four years old, played off to the side.

Two intricately designed cakes sat at the center of a table, one blue and one yellow each with a candle in the shape of the number three sat on the middle of the confection. Nicely wrapped presents surrounded the deserts, in addition to framed photographs of two adorable toddlers. Music filtered from the speakers, and off to the side, fiddling around with the iPod, was none other than Luke Hemmings. After successfully changing the song from a classic One Direction tune - as per Ari's request - to a classic Green Day song, Luke returned to his party guests.

"Hey! You finally made it!" Luke whooped excitedly, bringing his dear friend into a manly hug.

"I would've been here sooner but you know women," Calum shook his head in disapproval, "they can be so--"

"--so what?!" A stunning woman with smooth, dark skin waltzed right up to the two men with a warning expression upon her face. She held the hand of a tiny 3-year-old, who gazed up at the bickering adults.

"So, um, wonderfully dressed," Calum nervously chuckled, "my girls look beautiful."

Calum took no hesitation in leaning forward to kiss his wife on the cheek, before bending down to pick up the toddler. He kissed the tiny girl several times, all over her face, causing his dark-haired daughter to giggle in expense.

"Mmhm, I'm letting you off the hook this time," the woman wagged her finger in Calum's face before turning her attention to Luke with a grin on her face, "hi there Luke. How are you?"

"Hey Aurora, I'm doing great," Luke answered with a laugh, "amazing actually, now that this party is happening. Ari's been stressed out trying to plan this whole thing."

"Speaking of... where is your beautiful wife?" Aurora questioned, darting her eyes around the backyard.

"Upstairs getting the twins dressed," Luke answered, head nodding to the home behind him.

"Shouldn't you be helping Ari?" Aurora raised a brow, "you do have two kids turning three today."

"Oh trust me, I've tried to help her," Luke held his hands up in defense, his eyes wide with slight fear, "but Ari just scolded me," he turned to Calum and with a whisper he added, "I think it's monster week."

Calum shuddered at the mere statement and immediately understood Luke's dilemma.

"Well then, I'll talk to you boys later, I just saw Mia and Lexy by the mini quiches," Aurora's eyes averted from Ashton and Michael's wives, back to the 3-year-old in Calum's arms, "want to come with mommy?"

"No," the little girl shook her head, "I wanna stay with my daddy."

"Aw," Aurora pouted, "okay, but behave sweetheart."

With that, Aurora walked away from the men and proceeded to make a b-line straight for her friends and the plate of mini quiches. Right as Luke and Calum were to delve right back into a conversation, they were approached by two more members of their Percival Shores High crew.

"Well look who decided to show up," Luke grinned, upon seeing Ashton and Michael.

"Of course we'd be here," Ashton responded happily, "Mia, the kids and I are tired but we're here."

✔ DRUNK words, SOBER thoughts ✖ hemmings auWhere stories live. Discover now