26: It's Halloween B*tches

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[a/n: holy crap. this chapter is almost at 6000 words. i couldn't stop writing & didn't want to break it up into two chapters. this was one of my favorites to write! hope you all enjoy it and thanks for the 100K reads! :]



Despite the fact that it was Friday evening, the Pier Pressure shack wasn't busy as normal. I came to the conclusion that because it was October 31st aka Halloween, most people were immersing themselves in shenanigans that probably involved candy, alcohol and bad decisions. For the past few years, I've rejected any party invite, choosing to stay home and passing out candy to all the trick or treaters. That didn't mean I objected to dressing up, because trust me when I say that I've been every single Disney Princess out there complete with spot-on costumes and wigs. This year was Elsa and I was more than excited to slip into my Frozen-inspired dress.

I stood before the wall of red lockers in the back room, untying my red apron and stuffing it into my purse. Taking my hair out of its high ponytail, I ran my fingers through the strands before gathering my things. Jasey popped out from the break room with a set of keys in her hand, and an excited expression painted on her face.

"I'll see you later at the party, right?" Jasey smiled enthusiastically, as she retreated towards the swinging, double doors.

I nodded my head, slamming the locker door shut, "yup. I'll be there with my sister."

"Alright, see you two soon. Bye Ari!" Jasey waved, her keys jingling in her hands. As I bid her a goodbye, she pushed open the doors and proceeded out the back room with an elated skip in her step.

I slung my purse around my body, checking to make sure I had everything before making my way out the door. I waved to my fellow co-workers who were still on shift, and grinned at the few customers we did have who were consuming pounds of seafood in their costumes. I was greeted with the October nighttime air, slightly nippy, but nothing too uncomfortable.

As I walked down the sidewalk and towards my car, I passed by a group of obviously intoxicated people dressed as old people. I chuckled to myself as it reminded me of the boys and how they were notorious for outlandish toomfoolery.

I missed them. A lot.

I hadn't really spoken to any of the guys since the incident at Rita's Italian Ice, let alone spent any time with them aside from small talk during class. Granted, it was Luke I had a problem with, not Calum, Michael or Ashton. But I honestly just needed space and time away from Luke. It wasn't like I was going to ban him from sitting with us during Lunch- this wasn't Mean Girls. So instead of awkwardly existing in Luke's presence, I decided to take myself out of the equation.

Did you know that the Library is a great place to do homework in during lunch hours? The second floor is especially empty, silent, and distraction-free, which were the key ingredients as to why I had all my assignments completed for the next two weeks. Whatever the opposite of procrastination is, times it by five, and that was me: furiously saturating myself with schoolwork instead of having to sit at the same lunch table as quiff boy.

I arrived home with all the windows emitting a warm, yellow light, signaling that not only was my sister awake, but my mother was bopping around the house as well. There were a few stragglers still out on the streets, ringing doorbells for candy, but for the most part, the lateness of the evening prompted most trick or treaters to retreat back home and examine their cavity-breeding loot.

"Mom? Your favorite daughter is home!" I yelled, walking in through the front door and shutting it behind me.

"We've been through this several times before," Mia looked down at me from the top balcony near the stairs, her long dark hair billowing around her face, "you're only the favorite daughter because you're adopted."

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