Bonus Chapter: Chug

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[a/n: i hope you all enjoy this SURPRISE bonus chapter! i got this idea while i was throwing out some of my college papers and imagined what college would be like for Ari & Luke. thank you all for reading and i love you!]



I was one shot away from getting sloppy.

And being a sloppy drunk was something I avoided at all costs. Tonight however, was the exception. At 12:50PM today, I turned in my last final exam-- ever. The last four years of my college career was 95% completed and I, Ari Quiroz, was ready to start a life undedicated to endless hours studying, 12-page term papers, or archaic fraternity parties that breaded assholes to use date-rape drugs. So not cool. But in two days, that 5% would be savagely met, making me an official alumni.


Thousands of dollars spent, plus an extra $130 for graduation fees, all added up to a beige colored piece of paper. That 11" by 14" sheet of card stock seemed so simple, but to me, and the rest of my graduating class, that parchment was the physical prize in exchange for working extremely hard for the last four years. And that's why I was here. Sitting on a wooden barstool, in a packed bar, downing shots of Patron while I documented my tipsy escapades for all my Snapchat followers to see.

"A round of Jäger Bombs on me!" I announced, coercing my fellow graduating friends to indulge on a little more libation on my open tab.

"Seriously?" Pam, my roommate and engineering graduate, gawked at me dumbfounded. "Are you trying to kill us?"

"Kill you?" I scoffed, "never. Getting you ridiculously drunk that a hangover, blurry photos, and sore feet become the only evidence of the damn awesome night? Oh yes!"

Pam rolled her eyes, but not without a smile, "we fucking deserve it, don't we?"

"Fuck yea, we do!" Ronnie, another friend of mine and Communications colleague, chimed merrily in.

"That's the spirit!" I patted Ronnie heartedly on the back, but trying to avoid wrinkling his black, chiffon top.

I learned my lesson freshman year when I accidentally stepped on his Anastasia Brow Pencil and cracked it in half. I knew from that day forward not to mess with a man's most prized possessions-- and that Ronnie will have the best sculpted eyebrows in all of Newcoast University.

"Hey Boomer!" I called out to my favorite bartender behind the bar who was currently tossing alcohol-filled shakers in the air before catching them behind his back. A group of girls giggled at his show, thoroughly pleased.

Boomer, without a doubt, was a ladies' man, and all of Newcoast's female population plus Ronnie, wanted a piece of his firm ass-- not that I looked at it or accidentally grabbed it once. Because I was the 1% that didn't ride him like a pony, he and I grew to become friends.

"What can I get for ya Ari?" Boomer threw me a head nod, as he filled short glass cups with some fruity mixed drink for the ogling girls before him.

"A round of Jäger Bombs, please!" I told him, "on my tab."

"Anything for you Ari," Boomer quickly replied, stepping back and setting the shaker in his hand on the counter behind him. "Oh and Ari?"

"What's up?" I smiled.

"The Jäger Bombs will be on my tab tonight. Congrats graduate," Boomer winked, accompanied with a million-dollar-grin that had all the girls dropping their panties.

✔ DRUNK words, SOBER thoughts ✖ hemmings auWhere stories live. Discover now