05. Pissed

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My shift was over and despite being beyond tired, the boys convinced me to come over for a round of pizza and video games. In the furnished basement of Michael's house, we all lazily sat around on the huge wrap around couch that took up most of the area. Crumbs littered the couch, carpet and even in my hair after only a couple of hours being one of the guys. Rumors tend to spread like wildfire in Percival Shores, so when the news of Luke Hemmings vomiting all over the back alley of the Pier Pressure Shack filtered into their ears, the boys were eager for answers. 

"So you were inside the Hemmings household?" Michael questioned, his eyes glued to the big screen and his tongue poking out the side of his mouth. His concentration when it came to video games was incredible and I only imagined what it'd be like if he applied that same focus to his studies. 

"Yes for the millionth time. I was inside Luke Hemming's house," I repeated, throwing an M&M into the air and catching it in my mouth. I lay across the couch with my head on one of the throw pillows and my legs sprawled across Ashton's lap.

"Was it weird inside?" Calum asked, his eyes also glued onto the game he and Michael were currently playing. 

"If you're asking if they have preserved heads inside mason jars, or creepy voodoo magic artifacts hanging next to portraits of The Last Supper, then you'll be disappointed to know that the Hemmings household is a normal one," I explained. 

"What about Luke's room? Is it perfectly decorated with baseball posters and smell like the inside of Hollister?" Ashton teased, looking up from his phone. 

"Um no," I replied, "it was decorated with band posters. And he had a couple of guitars in there. And it smelled like Fabreeze." 

"What kind of band posters? The Wiggles and Kidz Bop?" Michael laughed. 

"I wasn't really paying attention! I was kind of busy making sure Luke didn't actually pee on me," I bellowed, rolling my eyes. 

"Sorry bro, calm down, just asking," Michael defended. "He was at your work today and you were serving him. Did he say anything?"

"Yea after you spilled his blondies all over his shirt," Calum remembered, giggling at the thought. "That was so bomb by the way Ari." 

"You make it seem as if I did it on purpose," I threw an M&M at Cal's head, "and no, Luke doesn't really remember anything that happened. Just that I was the one who helped him out." 

"You guys aren't going to be like friends are you?" Ashton asked.

I bursted into laugher, "hell no. We're on two different spectrums dude. Can you actually imagine Luke hanging out with us in his Polo shirt and Sperrys? This group already sticks out like a sore thumb. You and Michael can at least somewhat blend into the crowd with your white-ness. Besides Cal, I'm like the only Asian at school." 

"I am not Asian!" Calum yelled, turning his attention away from the game. That moment of distraction gave Michael the better advantage and within seconds won the round.

"YES!" Michael whooped happily. He threw the controller off to the side and grabbed a greasy, cheesy slice of pizza to celebrate.

"You know I'm just joking, brotha' from anotha' motha'... But seriously Cal, have you looked in the mirror lately? You could seriously pass as one of my Filipino cousins." 

"Whatever," Calum groaned annoyingly, as the rest of us laughed at his expense. 

"Anyways," I stood up from the couch, a mountain of popcorn and candy falling from my chest in the process, "I'm gonna go home. I'm hella tired and YouTube is waiting for me. I'll see you boys at school tomorrow." 

✔ DRUNK words, SOBER thoughts ✖ hemmings auWhere stories live. Discover now