Two | His Dom |

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The man who placed the bet earlier approaches near me and I flinch as he shots me a gaze full of rage. Lowering my gaze I sigh and force my face to glance down. He is wearing a black shirt and black pants. He has a leather jacket on.

He extend his hand to me and I raise my face. I nervously shake his hand then withdraw my hand instantly.

"Kenzo." He mutters harshly. He gazes around the small lounge then back to me. "I should probably take you home."

I point my finger back to my shoulder. "Are you the one who purchase me in there?" I try to keep my tone down.

He chuckles then shakes his head, "my boss made me sit back there. He was late. You are sold to Vincenzo." He states with a beam.

I nod my head in acceptance.

"Where will you take me to?"

"His home." His brows lifts as he analyses my face with suspicious gaze. "That's where you'll be staying."

I gulp then forces a smile on my lip, "yeah." I bob my head. "Is he dangerous?" The hesitation on my voice makes him smirk.

"He Carrie's water in one hand and fire in the other."

"Okay." He must definitely be the devilish man who will make me pay each sin I never done.

A sudden fear embraces me as we walk outside the auction hall. Kenzo leads me to a vantablack SUV and he opens the door for me. I whisper a thank you after sliding inside.

Kenzo gets to the driver's seat and starts the engine. I glance at him as a question pops into my mind. "Do you have any idea why he purchased me?"

Shifting the gear he snorts, "he has to pull up a job. Instead of searching for girls he bought one. He can buy anything."

"What kind of job?" I demand.

"I'm not supposed to tell you. I've been ordered to escort you and that's what I'm doing."

Shaking my head I take a glimpse outside the window. My eyes open wide when I see the huge sign of Las Vegas written on the board.

"We are in Vegas..." I utter and a smile appears on my lips.

"You didn't know?"

I don't remove my eyes from the colourful lights drifting around the streets. "No. I flew here in the cargo hold. I don't have my passport with me."

"Vincenzo will get your passport." Kenzo says. "Is it the first time you've been in Las Vegas?"

"Yeah. As a teenager, it was my dream to be here but...then it vanished. I didn't wanted to do anything."

The rest of the ride went through silence. Kenzo pulls the SUV in front of a huge house. I blink twice as I admire the breathtaking image of the house. Is this for real or am I dreaming?

"Can I ask whom this place belongs to?" I ask Kenzo before opening my door. Stepping outside I feel the cold air on my skin and I cross my arms near my chest.

"Vincenzo owns this house."

I hear the sound of the car being lock then Kenzo stands beside me. He bows his hand then I follow inside Vincenzo's dom. I spot some butler standing in the lounge they all bow their head to me.

I hesitate, "good evening." I murmur and they smiled. The house is utterly wonderful. The exterior design was made with rocks and the interior is well furnished with branded Italian design. I'm quite familiar with Italian furnishings, prior where I was staying in the dungeon, I used to be freed for one day and the gangsters used to take me to a mansion. That place was well arranged with Italian furniture.

"Ella. My boss might not come at home today. I'll suggest you to remain in here. I am leaving." He half smiles at me. "The servants will cooperate with you. Ask for whatever you want." He motions his hand toward the men and women who are standing in casual uniforms.

Letting out a breath I nod, "fine. I'll adjust." I beam.

"See you later." He plays with the car key in his hand then turns to the door.

"Hi. I'm Ella." I smile at the servants.

"Pleasure to meet you." They wear a warm smile on their faces. "How can we help you?" One of them asks.

"Show me my bedroom." My brows stitches together and I smile nervously. Do I have a room here? Or there is a cell house in the alcove?

"Sure. This way please." I nod and follow the lead of a woman who seems to be in her late thirties.

She does not take me upstairs instead she takes me down the foyer and opens the door of a room. My steps halt when I spot the well arranged room. Everything are designed in dark to light pinkish tones. I hiss a thank you to the woman and she dismisses herself. Standing by the door frame I watch the captivating design of the bedroom. My eyes fills in with tears, "I never thought that one day I will witness such beautiful things." I whisper to myself as I step inside.

Why would Vincenzo pamper me with expensive services? What is the real motive of buying me?

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