Sixteen [You've saved me twice]

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"Wake up sleeping beauty."

Vincenzo's word makes me smile. Fluttering my eyes I open it and gaze at Vincenzo who is gawking at me from the driver's seat. He looks way too dashing with his black jacket on.

"Where are we?" I look around the surrounding compartment, nothing is familiar to me. There is a huge building which has black glass on it's exterior surface.

"At my penthouse." He unbukles his seat belt, "come on, let me guide you to the new place you'll be staying at." He smirks then opens his door and hurried to my side. He opens my door, once I'm standing on my feet he closes it.

We stride to the elevator then he presses number 12. I barely know what time it is, these days have been quick. The auction. Las Vegas. New York. Encountering Vincenzo's mother.Wine date.His passion. Now his penthouse—it's been forty eight hours only and it feels extremely great.

I lean my head back on Vincenzo's shoulder. He motions his head and glances me, I half smile, "sorry I couldn't hold on." I utter.

"It's okay." He whispers as he wraps his hand around my waist and places a kiss on my hair. "I know you're tired." He mumbles.

The elevator digs open and I lift my head from his shoulder, he leads me inside his penthouse. Everything is design in black same as the house we went prior except there is a huge glass which gives the view of the entire city, there is a turquoise swimming pool behind the huge glass. It's the night fall and the swimming pool is illuminating with lights, the patio is quit spacious with two couch and a coffee table.

The lounge has a bar in the alcove, the couches and the dining room is beside the lounge then there is a kitchen with black granite on the island bar. I can spot the stairs which leads—I don't know where.

"What's upstairs?" I ask him.

"Three bedroom, my gym and the study room." He says.

I nod. I glance around and my eyes land on the clock, it's nine o'clock right now, we landed in New York around three in the afternoon. "Ella, I'm ordering food. What would you like to have?" Vincenzo asks me, he is sitting on the chair at the bar. He has his phone in hand.

"Whatever you're having." I utter.

He gives me a quick look then glances at his phone, "fine, I'm ordering pizza." He says.

I watch as he pours two glass of scotch and approaches near me. I am standing in front of the huge glass and staring the city.

Vincenzo hands me a glass of scotch, "the city that never sleep." He mumbles and I beam.

"It's been a long time since I've been here." I say.

"Are you happy or sad?" He gives me a judgy look.

My brows knit together, "if I'm currently happy it's because of you." I half smile, my eyes flicker to him.

"You've saved me twice; already."

He sighs and a glint forms on his eyes, "you know what, I'd always had the guilt of not being able to save that girl—which turned out to be you." He chuckles, "the contrition was always there. It kept haunting me for not being capable of saving you. I saw you endeavoring your life to exit that cell and I attempted hard to bolster you." He shakes his head, "I'm glad you are safe and you're with me."

I gaze him for a moment, I take a while and admire his beards on his handsome face. The cold look on his face has melted a bit. His scent has already become my favourite perfume. I love his presence. "Million thanks to you, Vin." I mutter.

He shakes his head as he glances at the swimming pool. "Would you like to swim?" He asks.

"Yeah but I don't have bikini, you'll have to adjust with whatever fabric I'll wear." I half smile.

"Works for me." He shrugs.

"Fine." I sigh. "Let's go, I'll swim with my undies."

He smirks and nods. I blush for second as I try to ignore his gazes. I take off my dress and face the pool. I can feel Vincenzo's gaze peeking through me.

He motions, "carry on I'll be right back." He says then fades toward the stairs.

I touch the water with my toe then I step down in the pool, the water is cool and is perfect for the current temperature. My hair is flowing over my shoulder and I don't bother to tie it up. I walk inside and the water level increases with each step I make. I finally reach the edge if the triangular pool, I stand there with the water level near my chest and I admire the multiple illuminations lighting on the skyscraper.

I never thought that one day I'll be standing this height in a swimming pool and admire such a beautiful city. This view is captivating. I feel like remaining here for the rest of my life. This feels way too good.

I hear water splashing from the back and a smile appears on my face knowing it's Vincenzo. I tilt my head and gaze him. He is wearing his swimming trunk. I watch his well built abs—like a handsome Greek god. He approaches close to me and rest his hand on the edge.

"What are you looking at?" He asks with gentle voice, "the city?"

"I deeply appreciate all these precious threats you are offering to me." I hesitate, "you are the best, Vin." I murmur.

"Don't think I'm nice—you might hate me someday. I'm a dead man, Ella. People hate me."

"I don't!" I utter.

"You will..." he looks into my eyes with his intense piercing gaze and that makes me quiver. "I'm not a nice person. I work with blood, Ella. You hate blood." He raises his brow.

"Why do you want me to hate you?"

He flickers toward the city view, "I have my reasons." He says coldly. "Sometimes I hate myself for who I am but I guess—we can't change who we are. So, I chose to bury my demons and work my ass off." He chuckles, "this city may look beautiful but I know every single moment when I worked to earn half of these buildings. I'm the owner of many businesses in this city, Ella. Don't force me to become a nice man—otherwise I'll lose my power to fight back with my enemies." He glances at me with his silver dagger eyes.

I nod, "whatever you're going through—well, I wish you'll be fine soon. You deserve better Vincenzo. This city might need you, you are the Capo but don't forget to live this precious life of yours." I beam and he glances at me with intense cold eyes.

"The only motive of truly living is to survive it. You love adventures and you should probably take a leave and go on a trip, make yourself feel good—you don't have to live up to anyone's expectations, this is your city, yes. Your people needs you but remember that you need yourself. You should always put yourself first."

He nods his head in acceptance, "I'll think about it later." He half smiles as he looks into my eyes.

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