Nineteen [Erratic Love]

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Everybody is devouring their food in silence. I am sitting beside Vincenzo, each time he rubs his hand on my thigh I’ve gasp. He isn’t leaving a second to keep his hand away from my thigh. I am not being able to say anything to him.

“I’m glad to have all children here. Do visit us more often.” Cassandra says with a welcoming smile on her face. I can predict how she is forcing herself to hide her grieves.

“We’ve got your back, maa.” Kairos says.

“I will be staying in New York now. You should be expecting me on a daily basis.” Vin says.

“How’s the business working, Vincenzo?” His father asks with coarse voice.

“I have everything under control.” Vin utters.

“What about the Valkin contract?” Paolo asks Vin with cold voice.

“I already said, I have everything under control, father.” Vincenzo sounds in rage.

I watch as he stabs the knife in the meat on his plate, he isn’t eating, he looks furious. What made him furious all of a sudden? The Valkin contract? What is the contract about?

Vincenzo kept stabbing his food for the rest of the lunch.

After lunch the servants discard all the mess. Vincenzo and his brothers are sitting in the veranda. I am inside with Cassandra and Daciana.

“You didn’t tell me about your club in our first meeting.” Cassandra mutters as she folds her arms near her chest.

I don’t want to lie to her, she seems to be a nice lady but I don’t have a choice. “I wasn’t sure about it. Thanks to Vincenzo, he is the one who motivated me. I’m glad we are now business partners. He is a hardworking man and I’ll appreciate his corporation.”

She nods, “do you think you’ll be able to manage a club alone?” Cassandra asks with a questioning look displayed over her face.

“Yeah, I’m ardent enough for it. Again, thanks to Vincenzo.” I half smile.

“By the way Ella, where are you staying?” Daciana asks as she flickers to me from her phone.

Where am I staying? Should I say at Vincenzo’s place? No, if I utter a wrong word, we might get caught and I don’t want to ruin Vincenzo’s plan.

“I know this might sound odd but I am currently staying with Vincenzo. Well, I have been away for a while, my condo has been a mess with bugs thus they are doing pest control there. I wanted to book a hotel but Vincenzo forced me to spend two days at his place and we had piles of work to complete.” I let out a deep breath which I was holding for a long time.

Daciana gives her mother a smile. “She is way better than Anneliese.” She snaps. I arduously want to ask why. Who is she? Vincenzo’s girlfriend? If he had a girlfriend he would’ve told me.

“What about your family?” Cassandra asks me.

I sigh, “I don’t visit them. My mother died and father loves to live alone, he doesn’t really appreciate it when I visit him. I use to call him once a week, he remains busy with work.” I respond-another lie, I don’t know if my father is alive or not. A cruel man like him deserves to be dead.

“Oh, okay.” She mumbles.

I hear some footsteps and Vincenzo appears in the lounge, he smirks at me. “Should we go?” He points back at the door from his shoulder. I nod, “sure.”

Grabbing my purse, I stand up and smile at Cassandra and Daciana, “see you both later.” I wave goodbye at them then we exit from the mansion.

I sigh as we reach outside, “I don’t have enough energy to drive. I’ve lie a lot and I hate it. Your mother and sister don’t deserve to be lied to.” I run a hand over my hair. “You should probably drive.” I utter.

“We should lie to save your dignity; you know how they’ll treat you if they know where I’ve brought you from.” He says and my eyes brim with tears. “Not everyone will understand your situation, I’ve seen you struggling and I have my reasons to respect you.” It takes me a while to absorb his sentence and his words send comfort in my path.

“The fondness I have for you is erratic.” I say in low pitch and he holds my chin in order to make me look at him. I force myself to look away but my strength failed with his.

“Don’t love me otherwise you’ll suffer for the rest of your life.”

My heart melts when I see a glint of tears enlarging on his silver eyes. Tears leak down my cheek. Is he crying? He looks hurt. I know that we are both facing crisis and we should definitely have each other’s back.

“Fiori, I adore the concerns you have regarding me.” he whispers. “When life will show you power, I need you to look ahead and keep walking, don’t turn back and look for me. You should live your dreams. Make so much money that you’ll not be able to count it. I need you to be so powerful and vulnerable where you can slaughter death itself.”

“Why do you sound so broken, Vin?”

“One more thing, Ella. I need you to rise where I’ll end.”

Tears stream from my eyes; I stand there with my face some inches away from him and stare into his grievous eyes. “Don’t you ever dare to say that you love me, Ella. We both know that you don’t love me. It’s just my benevolent acts which you are attracted to.”

Am I really attracted to him because he was being nice to me?

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