Twenty [Still your Boss]

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“This is Tremor Night.” Vincenzo says.

We are leaning by his vantablack Bugatti in front of the club. The building which I’m gawking at screams money. It’s luxurious with each and every design applied on it. The surface is matted black and the title is written in gold, it’s lightening and is extremely ravishing. There is a huge parking lot. I can already spot two bouncers standing by the door; they are holding rifles in their hand.

“This place is beautiful. I love this place.” I mutter as I glance next to me and look at Vincenzo. He has a smirk on his lips.

“I know.” He gives me a lustful look. “Wait a second.” He says then rushes inside the car and comes back with a black envelope.

“This is for you.” He hands it to me.

I gaze at the black thing for a moment until my eyes land on the golden typography in which my name has been engraved. Flickering over him, I open the envelope, there is a paper inside, I take it out then read a glimpse of it. It is basically a legal contract which says that I am the owner of Tremor Night. My palm reaches to my mouth in astonishment.

“What…” a nervous smile escapes my lips. “I thought you were lending me the club.”

He sighs, “Have it until I take it back from you.” His eyes fill with seriousness under a blink. He takes out a pen from his pocket and places it on my palm, “sign it.” He orders.

My hands are sweaty, and it’s shaking. This is not a random thin happening-it’s a freaking club. Not any club but Tremor Night, one of the top ranking clubs over this city. Am I really capable of handling a club?
“Haven’t you heard me? I said sign it!” his coarse voice make me shiver.

I nod with a bewildered look then remove the cap from the pen. Placing the paper on the hood I sign it. A piece of the paper has been soaked with my sweaty hand. Vincenzo gazes at me with cold look. He snatches the contract from my hand.

“Congratulations on acquiring a club.” He mutters.

“You are an owner now.” He hisses as he looks at me.

“Yet, I’m still your boss.” The coldness in his voice makes me quiver to death.

I sigh, “Vincenzo, I’m really confused and stressed up.”

I shake my head, “me and a club!” I shrug. “It’s out of the subject.” I mumble.

He shifts from his place and faces me. He holds my shoulders with his large palms, “hey, you don’t need to worry about anything. This is the right thing,” he glances at the club “I’ve got your back.” He lets out a breath.

“You won’t utter your secrets and I don’t have the rights to question you.” I say. “I’ll do my best to look after this club.”

Our eyes lock for a moment. He doesn’t blink as he stares at me. His eyes are teary and I can see his grieves.

“Whatever you’re going through, I pray you’ll be safe.” I half smile.

He nods with a beam; his hands are still on my shoulder. “Come, I’ll show you the club.” He adds.

We stride till the huge entrance where the bouncers are standing. They nod at us, “welcome ma’am.” They say. A smile appears on my lips and I tilt to Vincenzo, he is already smiling.

“See, that’s what it takes to be the owner.” He winks at me and his lips tick on one side.

I spot the dance floor, even though the entire place is empty there is music playing in the background and the lights are flashing. The bartender is standing behind the bar; he beams with a nod when I glance at him. Vincenzo takes me upstairs where I spot some closed door.

“There’s a kitchen and a storeroom over there and this will be your personnel office.” Opening a steal door with his fingerprint he lets me walk inside first. “I should get your finger detected for this door.” He mumbles as he follows me inside the office.

The office is spacious, there is a desk with a chair behind it, a shelf, couches, a door in the alcove-I guess it must be the washroom and there is a huge window which gives the view of the entire club.

“Wow, this is amazing.” I whisper.

“It’s a one way window, from the outside it’s just a black glass and this office is soundproof. No matter how much noise there will be outside you wound hear anything.” Vincenzo explains, and I nod.

“Sounds great.” I murmur.

“hmm.” He hums.

I gaze at him with stitches brow. His eyes are brimming with lust. I wish I could read out all desires from his mind. Vincenzo doesn’t express his feelings, and it’s hard to guess what’s going on inside his vicious head.

“So, now what?” I shrug with a bewildered smile.

“I’m about to drive you to my penthouse, you’ll sleep then tomorrow you’ll start working.” He says.

“What about the upcoming days?” I question as I take a step close to him.

A kind of fear crosses his face as he stares at me. “I will find you a house. Then you can carry on with your life until I don’t approach you again.” He sounds bitter.

I simply nod and my eyes brim with tears. “I don’t know if I should be thanking you or taking everything for granted. You may be doing all these things for me-I’m happy, yet I still feel like the same girl at the human trafficking system. You are using me for your own good.”

“Hey…” he whispers. “No, I’m not.” He looks down at me. I clear the tears with my knuckles. “The share will be 50-50. What you earn I’ll be earning the same.” The concern in his voice calms me.

“It’s not about money. I need you to be with me. I can see how you are parting yourself away from me. What is the problem, Vin? I know you don’t hate me-then why the distance?” I sniff as I speak.

“I have my reasons, Ella.”

“What reasons?”

“I can’t tell you! It’s my problem; for god’s sake please stop interfering in my personal matters.” He shouts and I flinch with his loud tone. Now this is scary. I wonder he must have seen my frightened face because he stays quiet and takes a step close to me. “Ella, don’t make me hate you.” He whispers softly. “Because if I show you my worst side, you’ll probably hate me for the rest of your life, and I don’t want hatred from you. I need you by my side.” Tears leak from his eyes as he deeply stares at me.

My hand reaches to his cheek and I wipe away all the tears. I can’t see him cry it makes me weak. I sigh, “I am here.” I rest my forehead on his. I close my eyes. I can hear him breathing hard. “Vincenzo, I know this may sound weird, but I love you.” I utter. We remain close to each other for a second until he pushes me away while applying a bit of strength.

“Don’t love me Ella; otherwise you’ll get yourself killed.” He mutters. All of a sudden all his grievous feeling vanishes, and he looks at me in rage, “after a few days we might not meet again. I’m a dead man, Ella. Don’t expect good things from me. And I’m not promising on meeting you again.” He snaps.

I watch him with dread. Is he serious right now?

What is wrong with him? He was the reason why I was happy. If he is gone then I will be left utterly alone, again. He was the last hope of my happiness. We’ve shared a couple of cute days together, and it was extremely meaningful to me. I don’t know how he feels toward me but if I do feel something-it’s pure love.

Vincenzo Romano, the Capo of New York. He has shown me all the good qualities of him. This man risked his life once while trying to save me. He can be the devil for others, but he is an angel in disguise in my point of view. I adore him from the bottom of my heart and yeah I can risk it all to support him. No matter how much he wants to hide things from me, I will find out everything. This Capo deserves my respect.

For the time being, I will do everything he wants me to be, happy, ambitious and live my dream. I will do it all until life reunites us again-I wish we will meet again.

Hey Sweet Readers, what do you think about this chapter? Was is good?
Stay safe
I love you all ♡

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