Chapter 5

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"Hey Billy," Sidney waved at her boyfriend.

You, Tatum and Stu were walking beside her as Billy put on a fake smile and hugged her.

It was still early, but the sun was already beating down relentlessly, making you start regretting the decision of going to school in skinny jeans today.

"Aw, come on. Not in the morning, y'all are so gross!" Stu pretended to gag while he embraced his own girlfriend around the waist. He saw you stiffen at the scene and a grin crossed over his face.

"You're one to talk. You're all over Tatum yourself." Billy emphasized and held his girlfriend closer.

Two soft hands grasped yours. Sidney, who had her hair tied up in a loose ponytail, gave you a half-hearted smile. "How are you doing? Haven't seen you around yesterday."

"I'm okay I guess," you responded. It wasn't a complete lie, your hanging out with Stu yesterday did make you feel a lot better.

Just then, you felt another pair of hands being placed on your shoulders from behind, causing you to whip around on your heels.

"Boo!" A figure dressed up as Ghostface yelled. Panic shot straight through you and you let out an audible yelp. Whoever it was ran off right after.

Tatum scoffed distastefully. "Fucking kids."

You were close to tearing up, your chest heavily rising and falling with hurt and anger. "Why are they doing this?"

Billy seemed like he was going to chase after them at any given moment and give them the beating of their lifetime.

"Are you kidding? It's like Christma– Hey, what the fuck man?" Stu rubbed his arm where Billy had just punched him. "Why is it always me?"

"You open your mouth and stupid comes out."

Aside from the teasing of your lanky friend, today you learned just how protective the two guys could get over you— there was one other incident during lunch where someone tried freaking you out.

Some disguised asshole had come up to you while you were waiting for your friends to arrive, leaned on the table you sat at and got really close up in your face.

Billy and Stu had both been right there after getting their own food and saw it go down. The poor soul hit the ground in a second with a fist to the jaw.

Stu had been next to you while Billy crouched down and told your harrasser in no uncertain terms what would happen if he tried pulling something like that again.

Sidney and Tatum exited the building just in time to see the bruised up, maskless person scurrying to their feet and bolt off with the broken plastic mask in their hand.

When Billy went back to retrieve his lunch and sat down at the table, he acted like he didn't just beat the daylights out of someone. Stu went to sit to his left after he pressed his lips to the top of your head.

Your voice failed to work so you just gave both boys a grateful, weak smile.

"What was that about?" Sidney sat down herself, placing her bag next to her to pull out some fruit and a book.

"It was nothing," Billy coolly brushed it off as such.

Both girls studied you, looking worried. You nervously ran your hands up and down the front of your thighs but stopped and straightened up when you heard Tatum speak. "You know what we should do?"

You blinked, silently encouraging her to continue.

"Girls night. Just you, me and Sid."

"Wow!" Stu protested indignantly, raising his voice to a fake girl pitch. "Where's my invitation?"

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