Chapter 20

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"I love you."

"I love you too, Billy."


Billy pulled down his shirt, the both of you dressing back up respectively. You didn't know at what point your headpiece fell off, but you didn't care.

You felt on cloud nine, like you'd just been to heaven and now got sent back.

The bare skin of your neck stung and you were nervous to take a peek into a mirror to see the damage.

Billy made a move toward you when from behind, in a split instant, a cloaked figure in black came rushing from behind the open balcony doors that let in a cool breeze of wind with it.

You saw him and screeched in terror. Billy tried to calm you, completely oblivious to the advancing killer.


Billy barely twisted on his heels as a long, steel blade rose high up in the air. It struck down with force and hit his chest as blood sprayed the air, and you as well.

Red crimson splattered across your face and dress as the knife was thrust hilt-deep in and out of Billy ruthlessly. You swore you heard faint, angered grunts coming from the attacker, but you probably imagined it.

Billy was cursing painfully, still trying to put up a fight, but he never stood a chance, his body slinking lifelessly to the floor.

You were paralyzed, scared to death while the coldblooded killer simply watched Billy's body come to a still before calmly shifting his focus to you.

You only broke when Ghostface took a calculating step forward. You took off like a rocket, leaping over the bed and bolting out of the bedroom and away from the gruesome murder scene in record time.

Traumatized, your feet pounded on the floor of the house as you ran out the door and down the hall, coated in Billy's thick, sticky blood.

However the killer caught up with you easily, grabbing hold of the back of your dress. You jerked away from him, one of the wings ripping down as you did.

Your hands grasped the first doorknob you saw. You swung the door wide open and hurried inside, locking it behind you.

Total darkness.

For some time you just sat there in sheer disbelief with your back pressed firmly against the wooden door, the only thing that seperated you from the bastard that took your friend away.

Billy was dead.

The guy who you confessed your love to not even twenty minutes ago was gone.

You watched him die right in front of your very eyes. You'd never see him again.

"Billy..." You whimpered pathetically, feeling your heart splinter as you gulp down the dry feeling that was suddenly parched in your throat.

Why, why, why... This couldn't be happening.

Streams of tears glided down your cheeks, making you realize just how much he meant to you.

You rubbed your hands over your face, before wiping the heels of your palms over your eyes in a futile effort to get rid of the moisture.

Breaking out of your daze, your hands scoured the wall for a light switch. You shrieked in terror as the doorknob turned, but the lock held.

The door was nearly shaken from its hinges until the movement suddenly stopped, and everything went quiet. Only your panicked, rapid breathing filled the space around you.

Trembling and shaking, you reached above you, feeling until you found a string. You pulled it and a lightbulb switched on overhead.

You were inside a small box of a room. The door was on one side and there was a small, narrow staircase on the other.

The attic was long and narrow, cluttered with furniture, boxes and other things. Moonlight seeped in through a small, raised window on the front wall of the house.

You moved through the attic, clumsily bumping into this and knocking over that... Passing a dusty mirror, you jumped at your own reflection and nearly fainted at the sight of the red body fluid drenched all over you and knowing who it belonged to.

Moving on, determined, you stared at the raised window above you, knowing fully well it was your only way out.

You managed to pull yourself up and crawled through the window, slacking a sigh of relief as you stood up.

The chilly night air hit your skin, making you involuntarily shiver as you scanned the domain from the great height.

Omnious black clouds covered the sky almost entirely, leaving little space for moonlight to seep through. A crack of thunder rolled in, followed by a bolt of lightning tearing across the sky and droplets of rain starting to fall.

You knew you needed to get off the roof fast, not wanting to accidentally slip and plummet to your death but before that, you spotted a very familiar vehicle in the distance, parked at the side of the abandoned street.

It was Dewey's Jeep.

"DEWEY!" You desperately yelled at the top of your lungs. "DEWEY! Help me! Fuck, HELP! SOMEONE, PLEASE!"

But the only thing you heard was your own voice echoeing through the night air, and the wind and rain starting to pick up.

"Deweeyy!" You pathetically flailed your arms up and down beside your body like that would make any difference.

Carefully, you made your way around the roof, pulse thundering under your skin while your mind was occupied thinking about the many possibilities that could unfold if you jumped.

Helpless tears began to shimmer in your eyes but you needed to push through.

You eased your way down the sloped roof until you were able to sit down on the ledge that dropped down onto the master bedroom and once on the balcony, you peered over the railing.

Now all you had to do was drop down.

If only you had taken one last glance behind you before making your descent, then you would have seen that the spot where Billy's corpse dropped was now vacant.

With a deep inhale, you swung your right leg over the side and prepared for the jump. You lowered yourself, letting yourself hang as low as you could, and then let go, free falling.

That was until something, or someone took hold of your wrists in midair.

Your heart felt like it stopped in your chest as your body hung and dangled against the side of the house. The figure began to lift you, hoisting you back onto the balcony.

You jerked and pulled and twist, but the killer's hands had a vice-like grip on you.

You screamed like a deranged woman and yanked one last time, successfully freeing yourself. You dropped to the ground with a shriek and came down on the soil hard.

You winced at the pain as a steady and low buzz resounded in your ears. Groggily, you blinked your eyes back open and used your elbows to push yourself up to your feet.

As if things couldn't possibly get any worse, the rain now was showering you. It took mere seconds before you were soaking wet, standing alone in the middle of the night.

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