Chapter 14

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"It was just some sick fuck having a laugh, (Y/N)."

The final bell had just rung and both Sidney and Tatum were standing guard at your side as you rifled through your locker.

School was clearing out, and the hallways had begun to empty.

You pulled your lips to the side and frowned, balancing on your toes to reach the top shelf. "No, Tate. This was him. I know it."

No one believed you when you told them about the photographs. When the three of you went back to the bathroom, they was nowhere to be seen and neither was the killer.

Tatum rolled her eyes silently and you stepped back, shutting your locker.

"You are not to be alone again, is that clear?" Tatum stated without room for argument. "You pee, I pee."

Smiling sadly, you used your free hand to push open one of the doors that led down the packed courtyard where students were scattered everywhere.

With Tatum still linked on your arm and Sidney trailing behind, you took a deep breath of fresh air and let yourself be dragged off down the sidewalk.

As soon as you left the safety of the school building, you were surprised by yet another outburst.

"Woo!" Someone shouted, jumping out in front of you. You cried in surprise and everyone within ears range turned your way.

Sidney scoffed and placed her hand on your shoulder. It was only Stu, whose expression changed into a sad puppy face.

"Awe, I didn't mean to scare ya that bad," he pouted, obviously guilty. Tatum shrugged her arm away and without hesitation, Stu swooped down to capture you in a tight hug.

You flinched, at first. You expected him to be upset at you for literally running away from him. But then again, it was Stu you were talking about. He couldn't be mad at you even if he tried.

Came to think of it, you'd never seen him angry before, not even once.

"I have a joke to cheer you up!" Stu giggled mischievously. "What did one butt cheek say to the other?"

You squinted at him confused. "What?"

Stu grinned, wetting his lips before he answered grandly. "Together we can stop this shit!"

You burst out laughing, effectively forgetting about his little stunt for the moment.

Stu seemed satisfied and proud at making you smile but you still playfully smacked his side, keeping your hand raised up.

"I am this close," you held your pointer finger and thumb together till they were a hairs width away from touching, "To wiping that smug grin off your face."

His eyes glittered as if he accepted that challenge, holding his hands up in the air in mock surrender.

"Anyway, the entire student body thanks you for getting school cancelled," he started backwalking. "Isn't Halloween's coming up?"

You nodded. "In like three weeks."

"To celebrate this impromptu fall break, I propose we have a party. Halloween night, you game?"

"Are you serious?" Sidney pushed out from your right. "Don't you think having a party is stupid now?"

"My parents are out of town for the rest of the month," Stu chuckled. "It'll be like my hurricane bash last year. Nothing extreme. Just a few of us Hangin'. Besides, (Y/N) loves Halloween."

"What do you think, (Y/N)?"

Stu turned his head to you pleadingly and you smiled through the blush that was creeping on your face.

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