Chapter 11

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"(Y/N)! (Y/N)!"

Tatum came running down the school corridor towards you. Today she was wearing her usual white leggings and crop top.

You waved at her. She appeared a lot happier than before with a dimple denting into her cheek. You were glad though, you hated the distance their breakup created between the two of you.

But at the same time, whenever you looked at Tatum, you heard Stu's venomous words ringing in the back of your mind, whispering things into your ear like a little devil on your shoulder you couldn't cast away.

She nearly shouted as she approached you. "Are you okay? I was fucking worried about you!"

You simply responded with an "I'm ok", knowing that neither of you believed it. You were glad she knew better than to push it and decided to change the subject.

"Damn. You really do look tired," Tatum boldly remarked and started walking to class with you since you both had science together. "At least you can catch up on sleep during class."

You chuckled. "No thanks. I don't feel like getting a detention today."

"Oh please. Mr. Myers won't watch you, the guy is fucking blind."

You couldn't help but notice how much they cranked up the security around the school. Through the speakers you heard this pre-recorded announcement of the Principal repeating the same messages over and over again after each class was done.

Such as students needed to go home straight away after they finished their day and not linger around. The teachers were required to stick around by the doorway until all the students left the classroom, etc.

Right before entering your current period, you caught the sight of your two male best friends near the lockers.

Leaning against them was Billy, who looked like he just gotten out of bed, his brown hair sitting in a mess on his head yet he still looked flawless as always.

Stu stood on his left, wearing a hawaiian shirt and light blue jeans. You couldn't look for long because Tatum took hold of your arm and pulled you along with her.

By the end of the day, you stood at your own locker, getting books out so you could do some studying at home tonight.

You didn't have any tests or anything coming up, but you wanted to catch up on the two days of school you'd missed.



You closed your locker and turn around to face Stu. "What is it?"

A muscle in his jaw twitched.

"Wanted to ask if I can borrow some notes. I ditched class but my parents totally don't want me to fall behind. Ya know the story."

"Since when do you care about keeping up with work?" Didn't sound like Stu at all.

"Hey now, that was meeean. Anyway, can I have 'em?"

"No." You tried to walk away but he just grabbed your arm to stop you and searched your eyes with his own.

"And why not?" He pushed you into the metal doors further and looked down at you.

Your heartbeat quickened at the close proximity and you turned your head to the left, trying your best not to look at his attractive face.

"I... You left me yesterday. You didn't say bye."

Ever so slightly, Stu cocked his head to the side. You could barely breathe with how close he was standing to you.

Stu flashed you one of his trademark smiles. "(Y/N)... You know I didn't mean to hurt you. We saw you sleep and didn't wanna wake you up..."

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