Chapter 13

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Closed bathroom stalls lined one wall, facing a row of sinks and a huge mirror.

You entered as two girls tinkled and talked, each from their respective stalls.

"She was never attacked. I think she made it all up."

"Why would she lie about it?"

"For attention. The girl has some serious issues."

You listened intently until a toilet flushed. You quickly jumped in one of the stalls, hiding, just as the first girl appeared from one of the old stalls.

She looked just like how she sounded, a snotty little twit.

"What if she did it? What if (Y/N) killed Casey and Steve?"

"And why would she do that?"

"Maybe she was hot for Steve and killed him in a jealous rage."

It took every ounce of strength in your body not to jump out and cuss the two girls out. You knew Woodsboro kids weren't the greatest by any means but you hadn't anticipated them still talking about it and pulling pranks.

Another toilet flushed.

"Why would (Y/N) want to be with Steve? She had her own boyfriend Ryan."

"Yeah, had. And look where he ended up."

Inside the stall, you listened, face weakening and feeling hot tears starting to form.

"You're evil," the other girl said and appeared from her stall. Another twit.

They both stood in front of the mirror, adjusting their snotty faces.
"Cut her some slack. No one wants to have their boyfriend butchered."

The two girls then exited, leaving you on your own. Water dripped somewhere from a leaky pipe as wind whistled in from the cracked transom above the bathroom door.

The loud hiss made you jump. For a split second, you could have sworn you heard the bathroom door open and close but after some silence, you were sure it was nothing.

You hiccuped before reaching down and unlatching the door, pushing it open, still dabbing underneath your eyes.

You checked out the bathroom. The doors to the stalls were now all closed. You bent down and scanned beneath them, looking for feet but there were none.

You turned to the mirror when you heard a sound coming out of one of the stalls. You stood thunderstruck, eyeing the stalls via the mirror's reflection.

A long, morose silence.

Against your better judgement, you went to the last stall where you thought you heard the sound coming from. Slowly, you pushed the door open.

Nothing. You stepped aside and looked up to the pipes and sighed.

Turning around to back out of the stall, you stumbled backwards and a short, highpitched yelp fell from your lips.

The door was left swinging in its wake and you just barely caught the snippet of something black and white slipping out of the room.

On the other side, taped on the middle mirror were two small objects. Upon closer inspection, you identified them as photographs. The bright green stood out to your eyes straight away.

In the center was a figure.

In fact, two figures.

One was displayed laying down on the ground, and one was sitting atop. They were clearly making out.

Then you glanced to the other, much darker one. You squinted your eyes. It showed a dark room and—

The truth hit you hard and you felt your breath knocked out of your lungs.

It was a photo of you. And not just of you, also of Stu. The first showed you two in the forest by the lake and the second photo showed just you, sleeping on the couch.

Unintentionally you let go of the photographs that fluttered to the tile floor.

"Fuck." You flew out of the bathroom screaming, burning up the hallway, not once looking back. A teacher that heard you scream peered out from an open doorway as you sprinted by him, not stopping until you reached your destination.


"I'm sickened. Your whole havoc-inducing, thieving, whoring generation disgusts me."

Two ghost masked students were standing at attention when Principal Himbry ripped the mask off of one of the male student's heads.

"Three students have been savagely murdered and this is how we express our compassion and sensitivity?" He then ripped the mask off the other student.

"We throw on a mask and dance around campus just hoping someone else gets butchered before we get bored again. You're both expelled."

The ghosts both protested. "Aw, come on, Mr. Himbry, it was just a joke."

"Yeah, that's not fair."

A deep rooted hostility had taken over Mr. Himbry's face. Neither student budged, scared to even breathe.

"No, it's not fair. Fairness would be to rip your insides out and hang you from a tree so you can be exposed for the heartless shits that you are."

Suddenly, the door burst open and you appeared, hysterical and crying.

"He's here... He's here... I saw him!"

Mr. Himbry rushed to you, arms outstretched. "Easy, child." You then collapse€ in his arms.

Minutes later, Dewey's patrol Jeep was parked in front of the school. He stood in the open driver's door, talking on the radio.

"She's okay," came the voice of the Sheriff from the device. "Looks like some boys were teasing her. Himbry's shutting down the school though. I want you to take a look around."

"Yes, Sir, Sheriff." Dewey shut the Jeep door and headed for campus when Gale Weathers showed up, her fake face aglow.

"Hi! Gale Weathers. Field Corrospondent Inside Story."

Dewey looked at her. "I know who you are, ma'am. How's the eye?"

"Productive," Gale answered. "So they're closing down the school?"

"For the time being."

Dewey headed for the school building, Gale scurrying along side him flirtatiously. "And why is that? Has something happened?"

He ignored her, approaching the school's front entrance. Suddenly, Mr. Himbry's voice was amplified through intercoms across campus via the PA system. They stopped to listen.

'Your attention, please. Due to the recent events that have occurred and until it comes to a resolve, effective immediately, all classes are suspended until further notice. The police Deputy has also asked me to urge you to stick to the city wide curfew, 6 PM."

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