Chapter 7

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Monday rolled around and let's just say...

Things were awkward.

The only thing Tatum did was drill holes into Stu's skull whenever the bloke crossed her line of sight. Sidney kept sticking by her side so naturally, that meant Billy got dragged along too.

So that left you, Randy and Mr. Macher himself.

It was just you and the latter hanging around while Billy, Sidney and Tatum were all the way over at the other side of the campus.

"This is so childish..." Your hands went up and down your face as you thought about how ridiculous the entire situation had gotten.

Stu didn't seem to understand what the problem was whatsoever, acting like the break up didn't affect a single bone in his body.

"What is, baby?" The jock grabbed your hand and placed a quick, tender kiss on your knuckles. You pulled your hand back within a second.

"Now hold it buddy," you warned him and folded your arms over your chest disapprovingly. "You just broke up with Tatum."

Stu frowned and hung his head back, leaning back on his two hands while basking in the sun. "Yeah, so?"

You scowled. "Do you even remotely care?"

"Nope. She was fucking other guys anyway."

He reopened his eyes to analyze your surprised reaction and laughed. "Awe, what is it? Blondie didn't tell ya?"

You swayed your feet back and forth over the edge of the fountain, expression softening. "She failed to mention that."

Stu clicked his tongue, sensing an opportunity he just could not pass out on. You didn't struggle when he slung his arm over your shoulder to pull you closer.

He slowly dragged his finger up and down your cheek a couple of times with a devilishly smug smile tugging at his lips. "There's a lotta things she has been keeping from you."

You stared up at him from under your eyelashes incredulously. "What do you mean?"

He giggled childishly, pushing your head into their direction with his one finger still pressed against your cheek. Stu was so close to your face you felt the heat of his breath tickle your skin.

"You don't think she hasn't checked out your ex, do you?"

Your (E/C) eyes flickered back and forth between him and Tatum who by now was staring right back into your direction, looking just as furious as she did two days ago.

Your brows knitted and you clenched your jaw. "She wouldn't do that, Stu. Quit lying."

Your eyes betrayed your inner thoughts and Stu caught on on your moment's hesitation, seeing the wheels turning in your brain.

His finger trailed to your earlobe and he started to gently tug at it, whispering directly into your ear. "Are you sure about that?"

It took you long to respond. Too long.

While your brain tried to come up with an answer, Stu grew more and more excited. In the distance you watched Billy get up and stride over to where you were.

"I don't believe you," you stated firmly, sideglancing Stu who slowly pulled away and shrugged, pointing at Billy while still leaning his elbow on your shoulder.

"Ask him then."

"Ask me what?"

Billy placed himself next to Stu, sitting with one leg pulled up to his chest. He had to bend himself over a little bit so he could see both of your faces.

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