Chapter 8

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A thin layer of clouds masked the full moon, filling your bedroom with faint, blue light.

You felt like it had been hours since you started staring at the ceiling above you. And it probably had been. You laid in your bed, tired but not tired enough to fall asleep.

You sighed and let your feet push you off the soft mattress.

Flicking on the lightswitch, you beheld your reflection in the full-length mirror as you listened to the wind outside picking up and making the tree branches dance.

A girl with dark circles under her eyes stared right back at you.

God, you felt like a mess and looked like a mess too.

The two twin scars on your left shoulder made your depressing thoughts drift back to the still painfully fresh memory of how you recieved them.

"You're still up?"

You turned your entire body around to see your bedroom window now shoved open.

"Billy..." You pressed your hand flat on your chest to calm your heart beat. It was only him, his handsome face sticking out as his upper body was propped up onto the sill by his elbows. "What are you doing here this late?"

He pulled up his shoulders and started picking at the wooden frame. "Was out for a walk and saw your light on."

With a nod you turned back around and started gazing into the mirror once again.

If someone had told you you looked like Regan from The Exorcist, you wouldn't argue. "Well, you have a girlfriend for these things."

After a long pause on his end, you stepped back and saw his reflection crawling through the window and stand up to his full height at the same time that his small smile fell.

Your forehead creased. "What's up with you?"

Billy jerked his head to the side in order to move the strands of hair out of his eyes.

"Nothin'." Without further ado, Billy studied your room, taking in every minor detail. Then, his eyes settled on you.

You peered warily as Billy stepped into your direction to stand a mere three feet away from you, his hand touching the bare skin of your forearm, making you jump.

"Sorry," you uttered shyly. "Your hands are... Really cold."

His dark puddles met yours briefly before flicking down again. You resisted the urge to back away when his fingers trailed closer to your wrist area.

For the first time in a long while, you felt butterflies flapping wildly in your stomach. He lifted it to look at it closer.

"What is this?"

You looked at it and back to his face, watching his eyes darting around to make sense of what he was looking at.

You couldn't help but notice how criminally attractive Billy looked when he was focused, or just in general.

His brown hair was tousled into a near perfect hairstyle and his eyes were the type of eyes you could get lost in if you stared too long.

And his jawline. His jawline could cut through a steak.

Billy brought his other hand up to ghost his fingers over the bruise and turned your arm to see the other bruises forming on the back of it.

His intense stare made you shudder and his pupils flared, like there was an untamed storm raging through them.

You saw Billy's tongue rolling around in his mouth as if he was thinking really hard about something.

He scrutinized your face, brows knitting in undeniable anger.

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