Chapter 28- ♡I Can't lose you♡

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(Jace's p.o.v)

I stepped out of the room plastering a fake smile on my face, goodmorning jace..

Roxy greeted me and i nodded not willing to speak, I was burning from within, but i didn't know if it was anger or hurt.

Probably anger... I was so stupid... stupid to think she would at least give me a chance.

I'm just her driver after all, a nobody.

You are anything but a nobody Jace, your a prince, a soon to be king, where's your pride?!

The voice in my head screamed at me and i thought for a while.

My subconscious was right, I should have a little pride and stop acting like some fool when i know i am far from that.

And Riele... I want to call her a bitch so badly but i can't, something keeps telling me she had reasons for her actions but what could they possibly be, what could make someone crush someone else's feeling like a piece of trash.

I mean you don't have to feel the same to respect other people's feelings.

I should forget about.... forget about her.. and just move on..

Jace, are you okay?? You don't seem to be yourself, Roxy suddenly asked as i had been standing in the same spot for minutes now.

Yeah I'm...

I know you're not Jace, she interrupted.

It's Riele isn't it... you love her don't you? She said but i looked away.

I don't think so ma'am, I muttered wishing that was how i felt at the moment.

Oh, I'm sorry... did something happen because she just left with her bags saying she had things to attend to somewhere in London.

She lied to you, she has returned to the US, I said no ounce of emotion in my voice.

What??! She gasped. Do know when she will return??

You should ask her that yourself, I know nothing... I'm leaving too I'm sorry but i have to go to my brother. Thanks for your hospitality roxy, I will see you some time soon.

I said and she nodded giving me a little hug, please take care of her, she whispered but i shook my head.

She doesn't need me to, I said.

I know right now you think so but that's not true, she needs you more than anything, she said with a hand on my cheek.

I didn't reply only nodded and pulled my suitcase outside, Kurt was sitting on the porch staring at nothing.

Goodmorning Kurt, did you sleep well? I asked as normally as i could.

He jumped and got to his feet then did a little bow... Good morning your highness. I slept well, Did you??

No...I didn't but it's fine, I'm guessing you saw Riele leave, she has returned to America...

She left without you?? I asked.

I felt a tiny pang in my heart and i inhaled softly, my nose flaring a little as i did.


So are you gonna go back too or..

I wanna go back, for now... I cut him off and he nodded.

But i don't know what I'm gonna do, uhh I don't have enough money on me right now, I muttered lowly and he chuckled lowly.

What are you talking about, you are the prince of our kingdom... you don't need money to take a plane, he said and i frowned.

He ushered me to follow him and i did.

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