Chapter 2-♡I'm Riele I don't apologise♡

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(No one's p.o.v)
Riele watched him walk out and something heavy gripped her heart,it was new and unfelt,the look on his face kept flashing in her head,She cleared her throat and picked up a file,and started going through it.

But nothing seemed to be clear,She just couldn't understand because his words just kept ringing in her ears.


Argh!!!! She screamed and threw the files at the door and slammed her head gently on the desk.

When the door suddenly slammed open, she looked up to see who it was and seeing the person she shook her head and rested back in her seat.

If it isn't the bitch of Beverly hills,the voice said and heel clicking sounded signalling the person was coming closer.

Ella Anderson what do you want?? Riele asked like she wasn't interested. What do I want?? What do I what?? I want your head you renegade!!! Ella screamed pointing at her friend.

Renegade?? That's a strong word Elle but I will let it slide when did you return?? Riele spoke calmly and earned a glare from Elle.

I came in yesterday and YOU as my bestfriend promised to be there but as usual you had to betray me cause your work is more important. Elle said and flipped her short blonde hair.

Riele' s eyes widened remembering her promise....she wasn't one to break promises but when it came to stuff that weren't really necessary she lost interest.

That was how inconsiderate and self centered she was.

Riele we've been best friends since fourth grade,but you still don't value our friendship,you might as well say we aren't friends.

Look Elle I didn't mean to upset you, we both know that I value our friendship as much as you do but there are certain things I'd rather do than.....stop just it Riele you're making it worse,Elle said cutting Riele off.

Anyway who was that cute guy that walked outta here a minute ago,Ella asked.

He is my driver,Riele said and turned around to look out of her huge glass window.

Oh! So what did you do to him?? Ella asked
What do you mean by that Elle? Riele asked turning back around.

People who come in here usually leaves with shaky hands or with tears welling up in their eyes but he left with a really sad what did you do you heartbreaker?? Ella asked resting her elbows on the desk.

I did nothing I just said the truth that's all and I think I hurt his feelings though I don't really know what I said that was wrong and to be honest it makes me you feel.....guilty? Ella said cutting her off.

What...Guilt?....Riele stuttered out making Ella stand up....Guilt is when you do something...i know what guilt is Elle but how do I get rid of it??

Dear,dear my little Ego-full darling all you have to do is apologise,Ella said caressing the top of riele's hair like a mother reassuring her child that mistakes were normal....this made Riele slap her hand away and stand up.

Apologise?!!! Are you kidding?? You want me to apologise to someone who is just....just my driver....Never!!! I am Riele and I don't Apologise,she said and turned around to Ella who looked disappointed,she shook her head and stepped back till she was at the door.

Where are you going Elle??? She asked glaring at Ella who glared back,

When you get over this stupid ego of yours call me and I'll appear....what??! I don't.....before she could finish Ella was gone.

Bitch!!!she muttered and went back to work.


(Ella's p.o.v)

Hi there,I'm....Ella Anderson? I know who you are,the blonde haired guy stated,O..kay what is your name?? I asked and he looked up at me's jace do you want me to do something for you?? He asked.

No no I just want to be friends...i said and his eyes widened.You want to be friends with me??! You?! Super famous model and actor Ella Anderson !!! He shouted surprised

Chill dude I'm only here because you're cute and I like you,I said and he laughed and continued strolling to where he had been going before i came and i simply followed.

What?? It's not funny and...hey I'm really sorry about what my friend said to you,I said lowering my voice a little,Yeah I was really ashamed jace looked like a really nice guy....its not your fault,he said and shoved his hands into his pocket.

Okay so where are we going,I asked and waved to a bunch of girls who recognised me and were screaming something about me being their role model.

P.P.P my brother is waiting for me there, jace said wiggling his brow,he obviously wanted her to guess what that meant.

Wait,What is..Oh I know you mean pappy's pizza palace??!! I screamed and clapped that's my most favoritest place in the world!!! I shouted grabbing his arm.

Favoritest,is that even a word?? And I can't believe you know that place... jace said placing both hands on his waist and stopping for a while.

What?!!They serve the best pizza!! And yes favoritest is a word of my creation,I said and boldy flipped my hair.

He chuckled,you know what Ella,I like you too,jace said and put his arm around my shoulder,making me giggle,Okay then jace since you like me please marry me,I said and batted my eyelashes together giving him my puppy dog eye,and he burst out laughing.

Slow down baby girl don't you think it's too early for that....besides you haven't even met my little brother and I assure you when you meet him you will rethink that offer...jace said and I made a thoughtful expression.

Wait a second does that mean he's cute? I asked.

I dunno maybe you should see for yourself
He said as we walked through the doors of the pizza palace and then he pointed at a boy sitting alone at a table with his phone in his hands,his hair fell over his face as he concentrate on what he was doing on his phone. that him?? I stuttered out to jace who was texting someone on his phone,Yes,he said and put his phone back into his pocket.

I looked back at the boy and he suddenly looked up and his captivating orbs landed on me and my stomach did a backflip,his eyes lit up and a smirk crawled into his face as he confidently walked over to where jace and I stood.

Hey dude,jace said. Big bro!! What do we have here?? He asked looking me up and down making my face heat up instantly.

Jace chuckled,Sean this is Ella,Ella meet my brother Sean,jace said and Sean smiled widely then took my hand and kissed it,Nice to meet you,I said and he replied with Are you an Angel??

This made me giggle,I can't say cause..... it is my little secret,I whispered and he smiled and got on his knees,Oh your gloriousness I am but a little Smurf do not trample upon me with your beauty,he said dramatically and I laughed,he was such a cute drama queen.

Get up and stop being a drama queen,my cute little Smurf,I said and he did so,then said it's really nice to meet you Elle,would you mind taking a seat with me?? He asked and I smiled and walked over to the table he was earlier,but before I could be pull out a seat he rushed and did it for me then took his seat.

We both looked over at jace gesturing for him to come seat but he did a salute and walked out leaving Sean and I.

Hi my lovelies it's me kirt!!!
How are you folks liking my story!!
Who loves Ella??
I Do !!!
I think she's so savage!!!
She's my favourite!!!!

Question of the day;
What do you prefer???

Liquorice or Jellytots???

I purple you 💜

Ivy 🌺🌺

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