Chapter 41- Years past

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(No one's p.o.v)

   (Five years later)

His hair fell graciously backward as he sat carelessly on the biggest most beautiful chair in the room.

One of his leg hung over an arm of the chair while his back rested on the other arm, he faced the ceiling with eyes closed and his hand holding the bridge of his nose.

He was perfect even in that position, wearing a black suit, which was unbuttoned so his toned chest showcased itself proudly.

He emitted such a powerful aura that no one spoke a word just because he hadn't.

He wasn't mean or wicked but he took no shit, no one could mess with him, no one ever dared, he had subdued the rival kingdom that opposed his kingdom for so long and became their king merging their kingdom with his.

How he did it, no one understood but no one complained, he was a good king, in fact the best they've had in years.

They called him all kinds of wonderful names but to the young girls his age, he remained the hottest bachelor in the whole of England.. they wanted him, only he paid no mind to them not even one.

He focused only on his duties.

Right now, there were having a royal council meeting concerning that very issue.

But the problem was actually bringing up the issue, they were scared and don't get me wrong, they weren't scared of him..

Sure he commanded power and respect and authority at the mere sight of him but he wasn't a violent man.. he never hurt anyone heck if you asked them they would  say he wouldn't hurt a single fly.

Yes, he may shout at them sometimes when they do wrong in some important things but they weren't scared of that.

What scared them was his anger, yes not him but his Anger.

They knew their king was hurt but his wounds were healed now all except for one, his heart.

It wasn't healed, it was never gonna heal, it had an injury that would never heal and it affected him.

The torture really ruined him, yes they knew about it but it was mostly gossip though most of them were sure it was true.

Because they had seen it, his Anger.... he became a totally different person but it wasn't his yet, they were afraid, they had to be.

His mother stared wondering if she would have to be the one to say it.

But she hated that thought so much, she did, it broke back the memory of the Jace she never wanted to see again.

She remembered how he snapped when they told about the mass murder caused by their rival kingdom after they set up a bomb at a local market.

He had gone out driving that day and he sure wasn't pleased with what he saw.

The number of kids that were stranded on the streets with nothing to survive because their parents were in a explosion.

Don't you fucking tell me to calm down!!! He had screamed, and grabbed kurt's neck nearly squeezing the life out of kurt who had told him to calm down when he was shouting at her for not doing anything about it.

She recalled him passing out after resulting the issue and then waking to not remembering anything that happened.

This was what she was avoiding and being the only one who had seen him snap twice, she knew the kinda strength he had.

The other time he had punched the wall continuously that it created a small hole with crack spreading out around it. He was so strong in that state it was almost unreal

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