Chapter 4- ♡Be my Date♡

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(Riele's p.o.v)

I'm sitting in my office studying some files and getting ready to attend a meeting when an annoying knock sounded from the other side of the door.

Before I could answer the door slammed opened and guess who it was.

"The devil himself " Dean fart face Michaels Richest Bachelor in America and my Ex.

Dean Michaels to what do I owe this wonderful opportunity to get pissed. I said glaring at me and he flashed me his Signature grin.

Come on Princess,don't talk like that,we both know I only do stuff to make you happy,he said smiling widely as he ran his hands through his hair and crossed his legs on my desk.

Eight years ago that would have had a huge effect on me,but now isn't Eight years ago,I'm not stupid anymore and I won't stand for shit!!

Get your legs off my desk and leave Dean,I said glaring at his Gucci shoes.

Oh chill out Ba....I SAID GET YOUR DAMN LEGS OFF MY DESK!! I said raising my voice and he raised his hands in surrender.

Alright babe but I'm not leaving until i get what i want,he said and folded his arm.

What the hell do you want and stop calling me babe,I said.

Right,Umm babe, I want you to be my girlfriend again,he said slowly and I slammed my hands on the desk.

Are you crazy Dean,no like seriously is there a screw lose up there somewhere I said pointing at his head with eyes wide then I suddenly burst out laughing.

It was a humorless laugh and anyone who saw me now would definitely think I was crazy.

Yes baby I'm crazy in love with you and I want you to be mine again,come on I thought you loved me,we used to love each other......until you ruined it and threw me away like some trash,I said cutting him off.

Babe listen forgiving is not that hard come on stop acting like a stupid bitch!!! He spat and I felt like he intentionally picked a bowl of spicy and overly hot soup then dunked it on my head.

I was in total Rage.

How dare you call me a bitch?!!! Dean, Who the hell do you think you are?!!! Huh?!! After we dated for four whole years Dean,I caught you cheating on me,and you said you were just having fun!!! I stupidly forgave you because I was so in love with you!!

Then you said you were gonna take me to the movies and I waited for hours and then guess what it began to rain and I saw you drive by in your car with a bunch of half naked drunk girls.

I spoke to you about and what did you say.
"I forgot"

I refused to forgive you expecting you to show a little remorse but you called me a drama queen and the next day I saw you kissing some other girl and I pleaded like a fool hoping for you to stop hurting me but you pushed to the ground and walked away.

After Four years Dean!!!! Four whole years,I finally figured that you never loved me. It was all lies from the beginning and you said it yourself love is for the weak so please take a good look at me,do I look weak to you???

No,but what happened in past should remain in the past,come on,let's get Married and be happy forget about that,he said pulled me from my seat and I slammed into his chest.

He held my waist pulling me closer and I struggled to get free.

Come on Princess,you know I love you; he said in the crook of my neck and kissed it. Oh heck no!!

I pushed him hard and slapped him in the face,don't ever touch me now leave!! I said and eagerly brushed his touch off my body.

But.....leave Dean,now!!!!, I cut him off and he shoved his hand which was on his stinging cheek into his pocket.

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