Chapter 5-♡Raindrops♡

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(Third person's p.o.v)

Raindrops on Roses
And whiskers on kittens
Snowflakes that stays on
My nose and eyelashes
Wild geese that fly with
The moon on their wings
These are a few of my favourite things.

Ella sang as she looked down at Chase while continuously caressing his head,Chase's head was on ella's lap,while she sat on her bed,with her head resting on the bed's head rest.

Mom?? Chase called looking up at his mother,Yes honey,Can I ask you something??,of course my love go ahead.

Are we ever gonna be happy?? The little boy asked his mother,she saw something in his eyes that made her speechless,it was like he had given up on ever being happy and he was only five years old.

This made her heart shatter into a billion pieces but she had to keep it together.

Oh my God chasey,why would you say something like that,she said with a huge smile on her face,while she lifted him up and tickled him,he giggled helplessly as she tried to wriggle out of his mother's arm.

He succeeded and ran in circles around the room,where do you think you are going my stubborn goblin!! Ella screamed as she tried her best to chase the giggling boy around without screaming in pain.

I got you now!!! She screamed as she finally picked him up and kissed both his cheeks continuously,Stop it!! It tickles!!! He screamed making her burst out laughing but that didn't stop her,she continued kissing him all over his face.

Mom it's too much!!! I think I'm gonna die!!! My head!!! It's spinning!!! The wove!! it's too much!! Chase screamed making Ella drop him in shock.

Woah!! Baby it looks like we've got another drama queen in this house, and did you just say "wove" ? She asked holding in her laughter.

I meant Love,he said covering his face with his tiny fingers.....Awwn come here, you're so cute!!! She sang as she practically hugged the life out of him.

He hugged back and after a few seconds later they let go of each other, Honey it's bedtime now, Ella said and Chase nodded then kissed his mother's cheek.

She picked him up and tucked him In, Goodnight mom, Night Chasey,she said and kissed his forehead.

Mom can you sing me that song again,the one from the movie....??

Of course my love.....

Raindrops on Roses and whiskers
On kittens...
Snowflakes that stays on my nose
And eyelashes...
Wild geese that fly with the moon
On their wings....
These are a few of my favourite things

When the dog barks...when the bee stings
When I'm feeling sad,I simply remember
My favourite things and then I don't feel
So sad......

She sang and Chase smiled feeling sleepy, he had fallen in love with the song even since they had watched and made his mom sing it to him every night,it was his lullaby and Ella had no problem with it as long as it made him happy.

Ella put on her blue hoodie and sneakers as she prepared to leave the house for a stroll,she snuck out of her room carefully to avoid waking up Chase.

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