Chapter Four: The Perfect Match

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Nathan Withers leaned over his computer, panic-stricken. Sweat dripped off his chin onto the black keyboard. He reached into his suit pocket for his fancy handkerchief, wiping the rest of the perspiration off, then tossed it aside. His corner office smelt of fine cigars, and a light haze of leftover smoke floated in the air. He guzzled down an expensive glass of Balvenie Scotch from his priceless crystal tumbler as he focused on the dubious task in front of him.

Nathan slicked back his black hair with his trembling thick, manicured fingers. He could not fathom the estimated drop in his investor's stocks. It was going to be one of the most considerable losses to hit the stock market in history. His insider trading knowledge warned of the forboding outcome. Nathan was running out of time, and he knew his life was in jeopardy because his clientele was not the type most did business with.

He twirled his golden onyx ring on his right middle finger wildly in a stress-induced habit, knowing life would change, and he could never look back. It was only a matter of time before his unconscionable actions would eventually catch up to him. Good thing he always had a plan in place. His mind quickly drifted to the particular Book. The mysterious power it crafted, the things he did to possess it. He shook his head, avoiding the unwanted memory sneaking to the forefront of his thoughts. The unique book and all its information would one day be his solely. It only took one single spell he had translated to change his life. He went from mailroom clerk to most valuable trader on Wall St. in days. How lucky he was to have stumbled upon it during his camping trip. Then to find a Professor who could decipher the language was even more fortunate, or maybe it had nothing to do with luck at all but a woven fate.

Nathan's thick fingers tapped at his keyboard vigorously, and then he double-clicked his mouse several times, highlighting many insidious files. He never thought he would have to put this escape plan into action so soon. He watched anxiously as the numbers on the computer screen climbed into a personal offshore bank account until the numbers amount stopped at 55 million.

"That should do it," he whispered to himself. He looked around nervously, double-checking he was alone. His eyebrows stiffened ruthlessly, exposing the shady man he was. He sucked in the air around him before selecting the software to erase everything on the computer, making sure nothing could be traceable. Next, he grabbed a sizeable mailcart dragging it over to the office cabinets. He emptied all of its contents into the bin. Looking like a madman, he raced down the hall to the shredding room, where he destroyed the remaining evidence. He parked the cart full of evidence confetti outside his office door before stopping into his private bathroom to fix himself. He splashed cold water over his face rinsing away the rendering doubt. He smoothed back his messy black hair with his fingers, slid the custom-tailored suit jacket on, then adjusted his blue silk tie. He took a long deep breath and rolled his shoulders back, regaining his confidence.

He paused to admire the man looking back at him. "Ready," he said to the reflection. He could not help but wink at himself. He gathered the last of his belongings on his desk before grabbing the lit cigar out of the ashtray. He puffed on it hard, tasting its rich sweetness on his tongue one last time. The fragrant smoke seeped slowly out his mouth curving around his lips until it disappeared into the hovering haze.

Satisfied with completing phases one and two of his escape plan, it was time for the last stage. He stepped out in the hallway, his fingers tingling from holding the hot cigar. Without hesitation, he tossed it into the mail cart. He watched, waiting for small flames to appear before rushing to the elevators. His heart pulsated in his throat, knowing he had to beat the smoke alarms. He pressed the down button furiously until the doors dinged open. He jumped into the elevator. His jaw tightened until the doors closed, and it began to descend. Would he make it??

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