Chapter Sixteen: GLP

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We pulled up safely at the end of the long driveway to my house around 5 pm. The plan was to check out the property instead of announcing ourselves to anything that may want to ambush us. It was the perfect time of day to set any kind of trap. The purplish twilight was disappearing, barely peeking out from the coming night sky. The stars sparkled in between the cloud spaces above my house. The moonlight bounced off the passing clouds outlining their marshmallow shape. The winter's nighttime crept in early, casting its lingering darkness and shadow over the small nautical town. Streetlights dimly lit the road, posted on one side, and spaced far apart from one another, conceding to the shadowy unknown to control most of the streets. Shadows tangoed with the bit of light present as if to be seducing it to surrender completely.

My heart raced with anticipation, unsure of what to expect. James turned the ignition off, and we sat in silence for a moment.

James fumbled with his phone. "Do you think there is anything here?"

I rubbed the thin layer of moist fog off the windshield with my elbow. I peeked out the clear circular spot I recently made. "I don't know. I don't see or feel anything. You?"

James cracked his car door open, squeezing out. He turned his flashlight on from his phone, shining it in different directions. "Nothing here so far," he said, sliding back into the driver's seat.

"Let's walk up the driveway," I insisted, placing my gloves and hat on.

James nodded, "Ok, let's go."

I stepped out of the car. The frigid cold air stung my naked face freezing my nostrils as I took a breath in. I could smell the sweet-salty winter air as it bit at the tip of my nose. It was slightly colder here from the wind chill coming off the icy ocean. My breath vapors were thick white puffs of smoky-looking clouds. Even in my winter gear, the damp cold grasped at me beneath my layers. I let out a burr as my jaw shivered.

James popped out of the front seat, quickly rushing over to me. "Let's make sure it's safe. Maybe I should go first," he suggested.

"Why? What difference would that make?" I responded, annoyed. I had more experience with the enemy than he did.

He noticed the tone I had in my voice. He smirked with an eyebrow lift, "Ok, I didn't mean anything by it. It would make me feel better if I could slow them down and you had a chance to get away. That's all," He pointed out. James added, "Does someone need a hug?" he asked, making a goofy face as he extended his arms out.

I smiled, "Not at this time. I will take a rain check, though," I said, tapping James's exposed stomach area.

He quickly brought his hands down, jerking backward. He jokingly frowned, "Ooof, Your rain check now has an expiration date of 1 minute ago."

"Alright, I'm freezing. You take the lead if it gets me to the warmth quicker! Let me see the keys," I said through my chattering teeth. He handed me the keys. I separated my house key from the rest. "Here, this one will unlock the front door," I told him.

He took the keys back. "Please, stay one step behind me," he kindly, commanded giving me a wink. He scanned our surroundings with his cellphone light as we walked towards my house.

I followed cautiously behind him. My boots slid and crunched with each step from the snow, ice, and sand mix beneath them. I placed my hands in my pockets for more shield against the winter cold. My body shivered wildly every time the breeze gushed by.

The path was faintly lit by the solar-powered lanterns partially encased in snow. The sound of the ocean mildly roared like a sweet lullaby, getting louder as we neared the house. Most of the foliage was bare and frosted with a thin layer of sticky wet snow. The darkened windows reminded me of the emptiness that waited inside without my Dad there. It was lonesomely vacant like the rest of the houses around us. Most of the homes were winterized with boarded-up windows giving the town Groton Long Point a ghost town feel during the off-season.

From Within Trilogy: Book of PerditionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin