Chapter Nineteen: Family

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Darkness was the only thing my eyes could see. I could hear the sound of the winter birds chirping all around me. I could feel the soft, cold snowflakes hit my face, tickling as they melted. James was right beside me, holding my hand guiding me.

"Is this blindfold really necessary?" I complained. My boots scuffed into the snow as I dragged my feet, afraid of slipping. My gloved hands grasped James's hands tightly, trying not to lose my sense of direction.

"Yes, it really is," he said teasingly. "Ok, there is a step here, here, and one more," he directed. I kicked the top step with the tip of my boot, causing me to trip, falling into James's arms.

"Can I take this ridiculous thing off now?" I whined. I had had enough surprises to last a lifetime and was not ready for any more good or bad.

"No way! I'm enjoying this way too much," he answered, brushing his lips briefly against mine for a kiss as he got me back to my feet.

We took a few more steps onto a porch making the cold wooden surface crack and pop beneath our feet. James knocked on a door in a certain rhythm to signal whoever was inside. I could hear voices react in excitement.

"She's here! Quick over there."

"No, now put that back."

"Guys, come on! She's waiting!"

There was a lot of banging and stomping. Someone finally whistled from inside, letting James know we could enter. He opened the door and helped me inside. He let go of my hand to undo the blindfold. It took a few seconds for my vision to adjust to the light again. In the room stood Gabriel, Zerachiel, Ariel, and Sheriff Littleton in front of a beautifully decorated Christmas Tree wrapped in white lights.

"MERRY CHRISTMAS!!" Everyone shouted together.

My eyes blurred from happy tears. After everything that has happened in the past few months, I had not thought about Christmas. It was only a few days ago I laid my Dad to rest. The service was held at the local church, where most of the community attended. He was then buried next to his wife, Ann. It had also been about a week since the battle took place where I lost my house, most of my belongings, and Stephanie. My mind was rightfully preoccupied with everything else.

"Merry Christmas!" I said back to everyone wiping the tears from my cheeks.

The aroma of breakfast filled the room. A sign Zerachiel had been busy in the kitchen preparing a Christmas breakfast. There was a fireplace in the living room area, keeping the room snug and toasty. A soft sound of Christmas music played in the background.

"I know it's not your house, and it's temporary, but we couldn't let Christmas go by without making some happy memories for you," said Sheriff Littleton coming in for a hug. He was my Dad's best friend and felt some responsibility for me now.

The night it all took place after the shock wore off, Sheriff Littleton decided to come back that night once the fog lifted. He called the situation into the station, calling it a gas leak. No one would question it coming from him. He offered up one of his rental homes for us to stay in until mine could be repaired. It was a bright and airy beach house all one level with an open concept. It was comfortable enough to feel welcoming, and I was grateful we had a place to stay.

Sheriff Littleton seemed happier and more vibrant than before. I guess, sometimes, knowing the truth can bring some peace. Of course, we did not mention the impending doom of an Armageddon. We only told him about the good versus evil deal. The rest he did not need to know. So many of us already bore the burden.

From Within Trilogy: Book of Perditionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن