Chapter Ten: Gabriel

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My eyes were out of focus as I laid on a hard cold wooden surface. At first, I could not tell if I was still in James's apartment. When my eyes adjusted, I could see high cathedral ceilings where shadows flickered and danced from candlelight against the large wooden beams and dark gray stone walls. My temples throbbed in pain as my stiffened limbs felt weak, handicapping any quick responses. I slowly turned my head with the energy I could muster up to take in my odd surroundings.

The only sound other than the pulsating roar in my head was a man speaking another language. His rhythmic prayers bounced off the old cathedral walls in a meditating chant-like tone. He knelt in front of a giant, tarnished gold-plated cross which leaned crookedly against the backdrop of the altar. Over a dozen small red candles produced the light in the room. The arch glass pane windows decorated the colorful moments in religious history. A stale, damp smell filled the air, hinting at the need for significant repairs. I was in an abandoned church, forgotten, set aside, and reclaimed by this mystery man.

My arms shook as I gathered enough strength to sit up. An episode of vertigo made me squeeze my eyes closed as my head fought against gravity to stay upright. My cross felt hot against my skin, causing a stinging sensation as if to be warning me. I did not feel quite right at all. Something was wrong inside me. My head continued to spin in sickness, along with a gnawing in my stomach. I moaned out loud, sliding my hands around my lower abdomen to subdue the discomfort—a sudden gush of hot mucusy greenish liquid splattered from my lips onto the floor.

I could feel something abnormal moving around inside me. I lifted my shirt, exposing the problem. Horrified, I shouted. The sound of my scream reverberated off the church walls as I saw something moving beneath my flesh. My insides burned like I had eaten lava. My body clenched in agony. The man at the altar responded, revealing who he was.

Gabriel leaped in the air, landing beside me in one swift motion. He knelt, taking hold of my head. He held my head up to look into his eyes.

"Callie, look at me. Look into my eyes," He said sternly.

I tried to focus on his face. He was a blurry outline as the pain rushed through me. I wanted to shut my eyes and submit. Gabriel's warm hand patted my face gently as he coaxed my eyes open. I was able to focus when his touch sent the tingling sensation all over my body. His dazzling blue eyes sparkled, hypnotizing me. My body tickled all over until it became numb. Suddenly, I felt no more pain or fear.

His intense stare calmed me. He put his hand over the protruding bumps on my belly. "Ab intra, ad lucem," Gabriel's voice sang. His hand grew hotter, glowing with white light. A sharp, piercing pain stretched across my abdomen.

"Ouch!" I groaned loudly. The pain subsided when Gabriel pulled out a grayish orb about the size of a tennis ball. It squirmed, trying to get away. Gabriel's hands cupped it tightly. The light grew brighter, illuminating every corner of the church until the creature diminished into a fog evaporating into the air.

"What.....the..... what was that!?" I panted in recovery. I was freaking out.

"A gelide. They are small demon spawns that wreak havoc on the health of a human. There was a quickening spell on this one. Fortunately, your body was rejecting it." Gabriel's mannerisms seemed subdued, considering the circumstances.

"A gelide?!" I fumbled for words, for a question. Trying to make sense of what was happening around me. I was not sure if I genuinely wanted to know. My head was spinning, and I felt disoriented. "What the...I don't.....How the...Did that...This isn't...What the hell is happening?!" I yelled. My mind refused to make sense of anything.

"There is too much to discuss. I will explain later. Right now, you need to rest. You have been through a lot. You are in a fragile state," Gabriel answered flatly.

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