Chapter Thirteen: Facing the Enemy

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The frigid air whipped around me as I kept myself wrapped tightly around Gabriel. His strong arms held me firmly in place against his chest. Between his body heat and my adrenaline rush, it kept any chill at bay. My heart raced as I saw the building coming into our view. The pulse in my neck throbbed so hard it was nearly choking me. We were almost there when Gabriel swiftly changed course. His mighty wings pulled us straight up towards the heavens. A tickling cold dampness rubbed at my cheeks as we glided through blanketing grayish-white cloud cover. The dense clouds beneath our feet constantly merged, creating a swirling mix of dull hues. They seem to melt into one another like when a wave hits the shoreline, mixing with wet sand.

Between the layer of the atmosphere and space, the sun's blinding orange rippling glow bounced off the top of the clouds as it continued to set. I shaded my eyes from the blaze of the luminescent, waiting for it to fade below the horizon. My smoky breath floated out of my mouth like that of a dragon who just blew fire. The air grew thinner like I had climbed Mount Everest. I drew rapid breaths to relieve the tightness in my chest. I was about to question Gabriel's intentions when I caught sight of the others. About five other angelic beings equipped for battle were floating, drifting, gliding, and owning the sky.

Their massive white-feathered wings glimmered, catching whatever light was left. One looked a little taller and more robust than the others. His dark skin glistened against the stars like diamond dust. His amber eyes enlivened with dancing waves of light, the way Gabriel's did. His voice sang deep and smooth. "Gabriel, my brother, we have missed you!"

"And I, you, brother!" Gabriel responded. His wings moved in slow motion keeping us in flight, hovering.

The dark-skinned Angel's bronze-toned armor had unusual symbols etched into it. They magically jumbled around, transforming into a word I could read as I stared at them- MIKAEL appeared across his breastplate.

A sudden thunderous noise erupted as the others banged against their armor to greet Gabriel. Gabriel bowed his head to all of them in acknowledgment.

Mikael glanced at Gabriel's wings. "I cannot say I like what you have done to your wings," his baritone voice protested.

The guilt pitted in my stomach, knowing I was the cause. I squeezed my hand tighter against Gabriel's arm in the form of an apology. He leaned his chin to the top of my head. "A worthy sacrifice," he declared.

Mikael looked down at me wrapped in Gabriel's arms. The yellow shimmer in his eyes pulsated. He let out a small teasing laugh. "So, little one, you are the secret weapon against our fallen brothers." He smiled. It was mesmerizing.

I stared for a moment taking in his beauty. It was impossible not to. I looked at the others—each one sharing this angelic perfection. They were crafted to look like strong, fierce warriors, yet with features that had exquisite, alluring softness. Even with swords in hand and dressed for battle, their beautiful eyes, their magnificent wings, their heavenly voices gave them such unimaginable beauty, such an enticing appeal to any human.

"I... I... guess so." I whimpered, trying to catch my breath in the thin atmosphere.

My whimpering answer made Mikael laugh more. "You guess so.... Ahahaha. No worries, little mouse, we shall protect you." His deep laugh roared, reminding me of Santa Claus on steroids. Mikael leaned in closer, winking at me. The wind of his wings blew around us. "We will have victory, Mouse," He added, giving me what he presumed a suitable nickname.

Gabriel clutched me tighter before a final nod to Mikael.

Mikael let out a warrior's cry. It was a surprisingly high-pitched sound of a tongue roll. The others cried back at him, rolling their tongues like a chorus of crickets at nighttime.

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