Chapter Eighteen: Live to Fight Another Day

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Time dragged by slowly like the second hand was broken on the clocks. Anticipation of the unknown was nagging at all of us. Was it possible we could alter the future or were we playing right into its hands? Thankfully, Ariel and Zerachiel had returned safely from their endeavors. They stood guard outside, moving around the perimeter. Gabriel paced from the kitchen to the living continuously like he was on repeat mode. James and I sat on the couch next to one another. I leaned on him, resting my head on his chest. He kept flipping the channels, never quite landing on any particular show to watch. I mindlessly watched the picture change from station to station listening to the sound intervals fluctuate with each remote click. We were fully dressed in our winter grab except for our jackets, waiting for anything to happen. It was oddly daunting waiting for something unpleasant to develop.

Suddenly, someone shouted from outside. We leaped to our feet, scrambling to the front door. Gabriel whipped the door open, slamming it against the door stopper. Gabriel positioned himself into a warrior stance.

We heard another scream resound through the dense fog. Gabriel darted outside in an instant. James and I exited out together onto the porch. To my surprise, Ariel was holding a lean middle-aged man in a uniform. I realized it was Sheriff Littleton. His feet dangled down like vines off a tree. His hat fell to the snowy ice mix beneath him, along with a small box. The thick vapor of fog had muted the color palate with its gray hues to our surroundings. It was difficult to see further than 10 feet in front of you.

"Sheriff Littleton?! What are you doing here?" I asked, signaling Ariel to let him go. Ariel placed him down gently.

"Who or What the!?" He stammered in shock, staring directly at Ariel's glowing white eyes, massive size, and prominent white angelic feathered wings. He stumbled back, slipping in the snow. He was not sure whether to run or stay to solve the mystery in front of him.

I hurried over to help him up from the frozen ground. He was pale and trembling but also memorized by Ariel's ethereal features. Ariel placed the hat back onto the Sheriff's head, slightly off-center with his big hands. Leftover snow fell from the hat onto Sheriff Littleton's face trickling down to his thick salt and pepper beard. The Sheriff stood there gawking at Ariel as the snow melted from his face.

"Sheriff, it's ok... it's ok..." I talked to him calmly. "It's overwhelming, I know. This is Ariel. Well... as you can see, he is an Angel. Yes, I said an Angel," I explained slowly.

"But...But...I ...umm... I," he muttered.

"I think he is going to need a few minutes to get over the initial shock of it all. Maybe we should bring him inside. You know where it's safer and warmer," James suggested.

"Yes, I think we should," I agreed.

Gabriel and James helped him inside, sitting him on the couch. He moved in a trance-like state. His eyes were glazed over in sheer disbelief. James got him a mug of hot coffee and placed it on the table in front of him. Ariel remained outside, but Zerachiel came in holding the package he had dropped. He put it on the table next to the Sheriff's coffee. I pushed all of it aside, sitting on the table across from the Sheriff.

"I think we broke him," said Zerachiel.

"Sheriff? If you can understand me nod your head yes," I asked him. I needed to make sure he was not completely losing his mind.

He nodded yes. His face contorted into several expressions. A few times, it looked like he was going to speak but instead mumbled. Gabriel reached over from behind the couch, putting his hand on the Sheriff's shoulder. He was calming him. A peaceful look swept over the Sheriff's face. I handed him the coffee. He sipped it habitually.

From Within Trilogy: Book of Perditionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن