Chapter Eight: Life Begins

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During the first couple weeks of school, everyone found their grooves. Gabriel and I seemed to share the same one. He was in many of my classes and walked the same routes on campus. Gabriel preferred to be alone with his nose in a book. Whenever invited to join us, he would politely decline. Every morning, I peeked outside the window to see him standing across from my dorm building, book in hand, leaning against an old oak tree. Sometimes, he would glance towards me as if to be quietly calling to me. Whatever the reason for his appearance, I ignored any irrationalities gnawing at my insides.

I knew it was not his good looks or an emotional attraction like I had with James. It was internal. Maybe it was the mystery of Gabriel's quiet soul or the pure fact his presence made my insides tingle with some unfamiliar sensation, sometimes bringing me to a place of serenity. Mostly, there was that feeling as if some part of me was trying to reveal itself, to come alive. It was like he had something I needed. I had no idea what it could be, so I tucked away that mystery something with rational thinking. More than likely, the unfounded feelings were due to my imagination wanting to manifest some adventurous storyline. 

Gabriel did sit next to me in every class. However, not being much of a conversationalist, it was hard not to notice his strange tendency to stare at me with an unexplained intensity. I could feel it whenever his fierce blue eyes were studying me. Maybe he was waiting for me to ask him out? After all, everyone else seemed to fawn over his perfection. They gawked at him as if he were a celebrity or royalty. He never showed any interest in anyone and developed a talent to ignore his unwanted captivated audience.

Gabriel mostly carried a blank expression on his face, yet it seemed rehearsed but undoubtedly dazzling when he smiled. There's a secret hidden beneath this handsomely quiet, gentle introvert. Gabriel's eyes were like looking into a hidden treasure chest of unknown possibilities. As if he held the answers to the universe. This mysterious aura was undeniably attractive, and although a man of few words, he certainly brought a presence with him that left you mesmerized. He was an enigma.

Eventually, my curious fascination with Gabriel faded into the background. My attention went towards more important things like school and James.

I had an assignment due by next week on a recent newsworthy story. I chose my project to be on Nathan Withers. He was a man who became the President of his own Investment Company by the age of twenty-six. It ran successfully for 32 years before he vanished. His disappearance occurred a few days before a significant stock market fallout, making many believe he was involved in insider trading. Police figured Mr. Withers and his ex-wife, a famous actress, escaped with all the millions he embezzled or stole from his clients. Unfortunately, all of Mr. Withers's files had been destroyed, leaving no evidence or leads. I chose to work on this news story because of the odd connection to one of my dreams.

I was struggling to concentrate on my studies as my nightmares became almost unbearable. With no particular reason or pattern, they would come and go. Sometimes would repeat for a few days, then stop only to start a brand new one on repeat. I mostly dreamt of strangers, demon-like creatures, and of the menacing evil man. The vividness of each one was unimaginable. I researched a few books, articles, and blogs regarding night terrors. The conclusions from most of the research were the same. It was from emotional or physical trauma, or sometimes intuition. Nightmares or night terrors were produced from daily stress, lack of sleep, emotional upheaval, and anxiety. Well, I was trying to balance a new life, become independent, and adjust to my new surroundings, so stress and anxiety were the likely culprits. It was the best and most plausible explanation.

I did my best to push forward from the dream dilemma, hoping they would lessen once I adjusted to everything. I hated to admit it, but devoting my time to James was what I needed more than good grades to help me through it.

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